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穿了肚脐环的那个?With the bellybutton ring? -I know.

她的肚脐从来就没有被挡住过。Her bellybutton is never been held up.

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她的肚脐从来就没有被挡住过。Her bellybutton has never been covered.

她的肚脐从来就没有被挡住过。In other words, she has always had her bellybutton exposed.

说实在话,我一点也不欣赏这种“露脐式”的表演流派。To tell the truth, I don't admire the bellybutton school of acting at all.

科西罗说,脐部手术对捐赠者来说,“无疑是一件好事。Curcillo said the bellybutton procedure "will definitely make things better" for the donor.

他们本人的眼睛通常都很小,每个眼睛就像是嵌在一个胖子肚脐里的黑珠子。In person, their eyes are always so small, each eye like a black marble stuck into a fat man’s bellybutton.

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你也许还会意识到你的肚脐已经从内凹向外突出了,或者不会这样,一些内凹很深的绝不会突出来的。You may also notice your bellybutton has gone from an innie to an outie or not. Some deep innies never pop.

你也许还会意识到你的肚脐已经从内凹向外突出了,或者不会这样,一些内凹很深的绝不会突出来的。You may also notice your bellybutton has gone from an innie to an outie, or not. Some deep innies never pop.

几乎所有的女性都会看到一条从肚脐往下到骨盆位置形成了一条被称做“黑中线”的暗线。Almost all women will notice a dark line form from their bellybutton down to their pelvis called the “linea negra.”

澳大利亚的格雷厄姆·巴克尔从1984年开始每天收集自己肚脐上的软毛,现已收集了创世界纪录的0.54盎司。Australian Graham Barker has extracted his own bellybutton fluff every day since 1984, collecting a world record 0.54 ounces.

她也说,对术后“几乎无疤痕”的脐部手术充满信心,尽管也为相反的结果做好心理准备。She also said she was confident in the promise of a "nearly scar-free" post-surgical bellybutton but was prepared for the alternative.

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想象一下假如超过半数的购物者都买同一件衣服,我们大家都得穿这样的衣服,那么我现在就会正穿着露脐装,因为超过半数的购物者会是十几岁的女孩。Imagine if our clothes were selected by the majority of shoppers, which would be teenage girls. I\'d be standing here with my bellybutton exposed.

患银屑性关节炎的患者可能没有明显的皮肤癣,或者在头皮、肚脐或臀部有轻微的红色斑疹皮肤。People with psoriatic arthritis might not have obvious psoriasis skin findings or they might have minimal scaly red skin on the scalp, in the bellybutton or between the buttocks.