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那是行为举止的一种表现形式It was a form of behavior, demeanor.

器宇高雅。A man's demeanor is high and elegant.

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古丽嗓音优美,举止得体。Guri's voice and demeanor are cool and even.

放松一些,控制自己的言行举止。Show a relaxed, in-control demeanor yourself.

气势如虹,不愧是朕的侄儿。Such majestic demeanor as befits a nephew of mine.

这样做时,要保持镇静自若的风度。As you do so, maintain your cool, collected demeanor.

多年来他一直对波士顿人腼腆的性格耿耿于怀。Bostonians' reserved demeanor had bothered him for years.

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他说道,但他表面的平静举止并不能掩盖他害怕的情绪。He said, his now calmed demeanor not belaying his fright.

但我,我喜欢你的小样儿,你的风格,喜欢整个儿的你。But I-I like your steeze, your style, your whole demeanor.

阿萨姆说,外在的行为可能使人误解。Assem Abdel Maged says outward demeanor could be misleading.

但照片洗出来,还真的有点东施的风范。But the picture wash out, really have a bit east Shi demeanor.

工作人员的态度完全变了,严厉的神情消失了。Her demeanor changed completely and her sternness melted away.

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高贵多于欢快是马士提夫正确的风度。Dignity, rather than gaiety, is the Mastiff's correct demeanor.

老实说,他的举止行为即使在最放松的时候也是咄咄逼人。Frankly, his demeanor is intimidating even at its most relaxed.

身材矮小的黄伟握手有力,态度随和。Huang is a small man with a firm handshake and an easy demeanor.

即使是土狗,其生活习性也有一些名贵狗的风范。Even the hyena, its life habit also have some rare dogs demeanor.

汤姆•克鲁斯那迷死女人的咧嘴笑和吊郎当的言行举止是有名的。Tom Cruise is famous for his lady-killer grin and cocky demeanor.

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你的近亲程度可能会模仿面试官的举止行为。Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer's demeanor.

君子兰你终于不失往日之情,透出君子之风范。Clivia you finally lose past love, revealing a gentleman's demeanor.

私下里,她是一个言谈举止直接随意的人。She is direct and casual in speech and demeanor in her private life.