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“我仅是花园里的一条小青蛇”他狡猾地吐着舌信笑着说。"I'm just a little garden snake, " he grinned slyly.

我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作。I should slyly open my petals and watch you at your work.

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我很早就注意到她的描写不仅仅是简单描写。I noticed fairly early that her descriptions are slyly non-descriptive.

政治候选人有时候会狡猾的打种族牌,但是很少公开的这样。Political candidates sometimes slyly play the race card, but rarely overtly.

在一些黑暗的角落,卡车的背后,商贩和顾客正在核对账单,清点账目。In dark corners, behind trucks, vendors and customers slyly exchanged large stacks of bills.

她狡猾地在康尼的耳朵边说,“再过几个小时你就知道是怎么回事了。”Slyly she whispered in Connie's ear, "Only a few hours more and you'll know what it's all about."

自从2006年以来,卡瓦尔纳悄悄地给自己加上了“摇滚之都”的头衔,这主要是由于每年在此举行的摇滚节。Since 2006, Kavarna has slyly dubbed itself 'capital of rock', largely due to its annual Rock Fest.

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几天以后,这位农民回来说,他找到了一些大烟,但诡称价钱很高。A few days later the peasant returned and said he had found some opium, but slyly added that it was very expensive.

而且,在这种解锁模式下,你根本不可能在开会或用餐时在桌子下面查看手机。And it's impossible to slyly check your phone under the table during meetings or dinners using this unlocking method.

他走后,她让她的眼睛狡猾游荡到了一个高大的年轻人图懒洋洋地在椅子上伸不遥远。When he had gone she let her eyes wander slyly to the figure of a tall young man stretched lazily in a chair not far distant.

一边是中国政府致力于构建“和谐社会”,另一边则是中国网民智慧地借用这个说法并加以改造为己所用。With the Chinese government so bent on promoting a “harmonious society, ” Internet users slyly tailor the phrase for their own purposes.

当爱神趁湿婆神冥想之际,偷偷把箭瞄准他时,他不就立即睁开自己的第三只眼,将爱神打得灰飞烟灭吗?Did he not open his Third Eye and reduce the God of Love to ashes, when the latter slyly aimed his arrow at him while he was meditating ?

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这部影片地结尾是美妙地,置信良多人看啦这部影片城市爱上这只奸刁又心爱地肥猫把。This movie's ending is happy, believed that many people watched this movie to be able to fall in love with this slyly only lovable fat cat.

刹那间,往事裹挟着岁月的风尘呼啸而至。我擎着那朵木槿,仿佛又看见了齐晨狡黠的笑颜。In an instant, the past flashed upon my mind as the wind whistled past. Holding the flower high, I seemed to see Ch'ichen smiling slyly a second.

史蒂芬·科尔伯特很早以前就这么做了,他谄媚地称他的观众为“英雄”,而现在他把他的捐赠者也称作“英雄”。Stephen Colbert picked up on this phenomenon long ago, which is why he slyly refers to his viewers — and now, to the donors to his Super PAC — by the same term.

戴安娜不好意思的切下另一小块巧克力蛋糕,“我觉得我自己的孩子很可爱,但你的孩子真的很不一样——尤其是你的双胞胎!Diana slyly cut herself another "sliver" of the chocolate cake. "I think my own are pretty nice . . . but there's really something about yours . . . and your twins!

他听了马上咧开嘴,很高兴地谢谢我,也祝我常有灵感。After heard these words, they open their mouths slyly and barely at once and thanked me gladly. They expressed good wishes to me and hoped me keep the inspirations too.

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法官停下来。在令人印象深刻的浓眉下,他的眼睛朝面色苍白的亚美利哥·勃纳瑟拉奸诈地闪烁着,然后低下对着他前面的一堆鉴定报告。The judge paused, his eyes beneath impressively thick brows flickered slyly toward the sallow-faced Amerigo Bonasera, then lowered to a stack of probation reports before him.

那时它常常踮起脚尖,狡猾的慢慢靠近我的床,看我是否闭着眼睛。如果看我没有动静,它会长长出一口气,然后摘走几个芭蕉。At that time he used to crawl in on his tiptoes, move slyly toward my bed, look at my closed eyes, and, if he saw no movement, with an air of great relief go up and pluck several plantains.

第三者,那位被称为“上校”的人,诡秘地隐藏在幕后,我们的女主角在巴尔的摩的大部分时间都陪在这个恶棍的身旁。The dirty dog, in the shape of a gentleman known as the Colonel, was lurking slyly in the background, and our heroine spent the greater part of her Baltimore time in this scoundrel's company.