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你能考虑接管咱们的案吗?。Could you consider epting our counterproposal?

你能攷虑接受我们的反对案吗?Could you think accepting our counterproposal?

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你能考虑接受我们的反对意见吗?。Could you consider accepting our counterproposal?

你能考虑接受我们的反对意见吗?Dould you consider accepting our counterproposal?

你能考虑接受我们的反提案吗?Would you consider accepting our counterproposal?

你能接受我们的反对案吗?Could you consider accepting our counterproposal ?

如今我无能为力,只能等候他的回复。I could do nothing now but wait for his counterproposal.

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五月一日来信收到,很遗憾我方还盘遭拒绝。We received your letter of May 1 and regret that you have turned down our counterproposal.

周六,德黑兰设立了一个月的期限,要求西方国家接受其反建议。Instead, Tehran on Saturday set a one-month deadline for the West to accept a counterproposal.

这位谈判代表没有具体说明,而且不能立即弄清楚他是否指的是一项对立的提议。The negotiator did not elaborate, and it was not immediately clear if he was referring to a counterproposal.

你三月二十号函悉,谢谢。我们已经仔细研究了你方对我短袜报价的意见。We thank you letter of March 20. We have carefully considered your counterproposal towards our offer of the socks.

除了肯尼亚左派人士的反对,鲜有人冒险抗议,老奥巴马却大胆地发表了反对意见。Although the country's leftists objected, few risked reprisal by speaking out.But Obama Sr. boldly published a counterproposal.

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除了肯尼亚左派人士的反对,鲜有人冒险抗议,老奥巴马却大胆地发表了反对意见。Although the country's leftists objected, few risked reprisal by speaking out. But Obama Sr. boldly published a counterproposal.

本文只是对个案进行研究,目的也只是为酒店经营共性的研究提供参考。This article only is the counterproposal conducts the research, the goal also only is provides the reference for the hotel management general character research.