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这是转动惯量。This is the moment of inertia.

又名惯性定律It's called the Law of Inertia.

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唯有行动可以击败惯性。Inertia is beat only by movement.

我们得到转动惯量。So we know the moment of inertia.

如何克服这种惰性呢?How can you overcome this inertia?

转动惯量现在是多少?What now is the moment of inertia?

组织生活中存在惯性。Inertia pervades organizational life.

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记住惯性是一种很大的力量。Remember, inertia is a powerful force.

它的转动惯量是多少呢?What is the moment of inertia of that?

惯性使汽车驶到了人行道上。Inertia carried the car to the pavement.

这就是转动惯量的定义方法。That is how we define moment of inertia.

可以计算其转动惯量。You can calculate the moment of inertia.

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热惰性小,升温迅速。Thermal inertia of small, rapidly warming.

计算转动惯量,是一个枯燥的活。Well, the moment of inertia is a boring job.

惯性导致了三分之二的婚姻。Inertia accounts for two-thirds of marriages.

你会得到完全不同的转动惯量。You get a totally different moment of inertia.

几乎所有这个系统中的转动惯量。Almost all moment of inertia is in this system.

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一日快速增长的投资惯性的作用。Rapid growth of investment in the role of inertia.

面对成绩,中集瑞江不敢有丝毫懈怠。In the face of success, CIMC-RUIJIANG has no inertia.

即便不求上进的人也面临惰性的问题。Even thenonstriving person has the problem of inertia.