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谁的稳定?Whose stability?

稳态在最底层。Stability is at the bottom.

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中国也觊觎稳定。China, too, covets stability.

从稳定期到公元950年Period of stability to A.D. 950

槟榔碱稳定性较好。And arecoline stability is good.

这个社会强调稳定。This society emphasizes stability.

卵黄抗体热稳定性检测。Detection of IgY thermal stability.

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一是共促和平稳定。Jointly pursue peace and stability.

使用更多的榫头来加强盒子的稳定性。More pins add stability to the box.

催化剂WP1具有较好的稳定性。WP1 had better catalytic stability.

所以它就能达到稳定结构。So, it would achieve octet stability.

我想知道更多关于稳定性的知识。I'd like to know more about stability.

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含硅环氧树脂稳定性能良好。Silico-epoxy resin has good stability.

绿色暗示着稳定性和耐性。Green suggests stability and endurance.

缺乏稳定性或固定性或稳固性的。Lacking stability or fixity or firmness.

易常的稳定使得操作极其容易。Super stability gives super ease-of-use.

高氧的存在不利于其稳定性。Hyperoxia is unfavorable to its stability.

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请出示你船白勺稳性资料。Please show me your stability information.

请记住,在中国,稳定高于一切。And remember, China is all about stability.

他们以稳定性和安全感作格言。Stability and security are your watchwords.