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戴上手工缝制的假发。A hand-stitched wig.

然后,她买了假发。Then she bought a wig.

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这是真发还是假发?Is it real hair a wig ?

那是真发还是假发?。Is that real hair or a wig?

有时候我也会贪好玩地戴戴假发。I'd wear a wig sometimes for fun.

等一个卷毛假发,等另一次机遇。Or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.

突然一阵强风吹走了他的假发。A strong wind suddenly blew his wig off.

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风好,吹乱了我的秀发,吹落了你的假发。Good wind, blows my hair, blew your wig.

伊莎贝尔穿着一件毛衣、头发扎成了一根辫子。The wig is tied in a ponytail in the back.

大大的猪在小山上跳起快步舞,不小心踩在假发上滑了一跤。A big pig jigs on a hill and slips on a wig.

这是不够的,如果您有自己的假发假发。It is not enough if you own a wig hairpiece.

我戴着一套假发去旅行,保持一种发型。I wear one wig to travel and keep one styled.

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迈克尔原本的头发很少很稀,所以接上了假发。MJ's hair "was sparse" and connected to a wig.

他利用戴假发、粘胡须的办法进行了自我伪装。He disguised himself by wearing a wig and beard.

假发戴在头上以遮盖秃发部位的部分假发或一绺假发。A partial wig or hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot.

她戴了一顶假发,但是我们很快就识穿了她的伪装。She has a wig on, but we soon penetrate her disguise.

她戴了一顶假发,但是我们很快就识穿了她的伪装。She had a wig on, but we soon penetrated her disguise.

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我个人从来就没有过一点儿要戴假发的念头。The thought of getting a wig never crossed my mind at all.

他戴上假发和假胡须时,真把我笑坏了。When he put on the wig and false moustache I could have died.

另一个有趣的想法是戴假发的野生彩色喜欢辣粉红色。Another fun idea is to wear a wig in a wild color like hot pink.