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如何使经常骑自行车到卧位。How to make a regular bike into a recumbent.

它无声无息地向那斜倚着的女人走去。It glided noiselessly towards the recumbent woman.

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有两种不同的方法来指导一卧位。There are two different ways to steer a recumbent.

你是坐在躺卧的位置上横卧自行车。You are seated in a reclining position on a recumbent bike.

有人看见他枕着树叶和苔藓睡着了。The picnickers were recumbent on thick moss under a big tree.

野餐的人们在大树下厚厚的苔藓上舒适地躺着。The picnickers were recumbent on thick moss under a big tree.

由舒适的办公椅改造成的自行车,需要斜躺着骑哦。Recumbent bicycle equipped with very comfortable office chair.

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还有横卧水上的小桥,宛若一道五彩的虹。There are recumbent water bridge, just like a colorful rainbow.

卧地不起的动物表现角弓反张,头倾斜,斜视,眼球震颤。Recumbent animals exhibit opisthotonus, head tilt, strabismus and nystagmus.

如果你只投资于一个横卧自行车,你可以设置机高电阻。If you just invest in a recumbent bike, you can set the machine to high resistance.

如果褶皱构造的轴面基本上是水平的,那么我们称它为平卧褶皱。If the axial plane of a fold is essentially horizontal. Then we call it recumbent fold.

当然,由于其设计,乘坐不同的卧位,那么你所熟悉的。Of course, because of their design, the recumbent rides differently then you're used to.

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当然,由于其设计,横卧乘坐不同的,那么你已经习惯了。Of course, because of their design, the recumbent rides differently then you're used to.

您将需要决定什么类型的横卧自行车要多少你也可以花。You will need to decide what type of recumbent bike you want and how much you can spend.

如何使经常骑自行车到卧位与办公椅的“自行车来上班”的主题。How to make a regular bike into a recumbent with office chair for "Bike To Work Day" theme.

他发明的躺着划的划船自行车卖了成千上万辆。And he’s invented Rowbike, a recumbent rowing bicycle that has sold, well, in the thousands.

建立一个低和快速横卧蝌蚪三轮车,或从一个坚固的承载我们的计划三轮车。Build a low and fast recumbent tadpole trike, or a sturdy load carrying trike from our plans.

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他把枪扔到已经昏倒地汤普金斯旁边,快步的穿过潮湿的草丛。He dropped the gun onto the recumbent form of Tompkins and marched away across the damp lawn.

皮特说,他加工所需的零件,他不能从另一个三轮车和卧位。Pete says he machined the needed parts that he could not get from another tricycle and a recumbent.

皮特说,他加工所需的零件,他不能从另一个三轮车和卧位。Pete says he machined the needed parts that he could not get from another tricycle and a recumbent.