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那人偷了我的录音机。The man acquired my tape recorder.

他们用雷达捕获了目标。They acquired the target by radar.

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其它的恐惧是后天习得的。All your other fears were acquired.

你刚获得了一个生命膏药。You have acquired a health poultice.

谷狗于2004年购买了“锁眼集团”。Google acquired Keyhole Inc. in 2004.

我突然有了一个继兄弟。I've suddenly acquired a stepbrother.

后天应不老,何必羡彭年。Acquired shall not old, why envy Pang.

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辣味就是后天学来的味觉。Chillis are an unusual acquired taste.

它是经过长时间学来的。It can only be acquired by long study.

她是从父亲那里学到这门技巧的。She acquired the craft from her father.

阿列科家突然多了一只小羔羊。Aleko, had suddenly acquired a new lamb.

1986年,华纳媒体将其购入门下。It was acquired by Wenner Media in 1986.

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这就是他们如何获得这台洗衣机的故事。So this is how they acquired the washer.

社交能力是一种通过个人努力而获得的技能。Social intelligence is an acquired skill.

它在1991年收购了UTLAS,在1999年收购了WLN。It acquired UTLAS in 1991, and WLN in 1999.

这件衬衫上有一条很淡的折痕。The shirt acquired the faintest of creases.

亚里斯多德的科学早已盛行一时。Aristotle's science had acquired ascendancy.

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我养成了读报的习惯。I have acquired the newspaper-reading habit.

最近,我得到了两个步骤的兄弟。Recently, I have acquired two step-brothers.

有时,财产也可以通过添附获得。Sometimes property is acquired by accession.