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俄国术语学在世界范围内占有举足轻重的地位。Russian terminological science is of world-widely great importance.

严肃的人不致浪费时问来讨论像这样的用语上的问题。No serious man wastes his time in discussing such a terminological question.

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它似乎适宜于在进行之前讨论一些术语方面的东西。It seems appropriate to discuss some terminological aspects before proceeding.

名词可以分成普通名词、专有名词、和术语名词。Names can be divided into common names, proper names, and terminological names.

概念是术语学理论研究的起点与核心。Concept is the starting point and the core of the studies in terminological theory.

在全球资讯网上已有许多资源每天持续产生新的术语。There are lots of terminological resources on the web and continually increasing day by day.

但是如果公司关注术语的一致性,简单的列表就不够了。However, if the company is focused on terminological consistency, a simple list will not be enough.

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基于比较形态学的研究,对蚁蛉前后翅脉序主干同源性进行了论证,提出了一套新的蚁蛉脉序命名系统。A new terminological scheme for the wing venation of Myrmeleontidae was proposed based on the comparative morphological study.

对主题问题的研究长期以来因概念界定不清且术语不统一而困难重重。Studies of topic have long been in difficulty due to terminological profusion and confusion, and underlying conceptual vagueness as well.

关于中国核战略,学界存在着不同的描述方法,这部分地是由于中、英文语境差别造成的。There are different descriptions about China's nuclear strategy, which partially came from the terminological mismatch between Chinese and English.

面对信息内容创作与传递日益增长的需求,有必要创建、存储及更新术语资源。Increasingly high demands on the production and presentation of information content make it a necessity to create, store and update terminological resources.

这样在处理重复性文本如技术手册时可以节约大量的时间,还有助于保证术语的一致性。This can save a lot of time when a translator works with repetitive texts, such as technical manuals, and can also help to achieve terminological consistency.

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运用文献考证的方法对“眩晕”古今含义的演变和使用情况进行源流考释研究,认为眩晕是以眼花、头旋为主要表现的病证或症状。The terminological method was used to investigate into the origin of Traditional Chinese Medicine term "Vertigo", including the change of its meaning and usage.

术语规范化影响着语言规范化,这是由术语在语言体系中的地位决定的。Obviously, the terminological standardization affects the standardization of the language inasmuch as technical terms have important displacement in a language system.

在扩展生命与挽救生命之间,有人当然可以说出一些语义学上的差别,那可能对交流有用。One could, of course. come up with a concrete terminological distinction between extending lives and saving lives that might be useful for simple purposes of communication.

随着术语学理论研究的不断深入,从术语学角度看待术语翻译的问题,为术语的统一与规范提供了充实的依据。With the theoretical progress in the study of terminology, translating terms from the terminological point of view provides a well-grounded platform to unify and standardize terms.

新闻语体中术语字母词的使用主要和语言三要素之一的语场即语篇所谈及的内容有关。Terminological lettered-words use in journalism is closely related with one of the three major language elements, language domain, which refers to the content that the text relates to.

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指明了在当前加强术语标准化工作的紧迫性和今后工作中应注意的若干问题。The urgency of improvement of current terminological standardization work in China is emphasized and potential problems that might arise from our tasks ahead are pointed out for attention.

术语变异的原因是错综复杂的,而研究术语变异的原因是研究术语变异现象的关键。The causes of the terminological variations are complicated and the studies about the causes of the variations are the key to the research of the phenomenon of the terminological variation.