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豁免的退休计划。完成第十五部份。Exempt retirement plans. Complete Part XV.

您是免检吗?请走这边。Are you exempt from checking? This way, please.

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领取养老金的人应免除征税。Old age pensioners should be exempt from taxation.

使用本产品,可免搭脚手架。Uses this product, may exempt builds the scaffold.

教堂的土地通常免征土地税。Church land is usually exempt from real estate tax.

这样的省钱方式既无风险又不用纳税。And money saved is both risk-free and exempt from taxes.

对每个人来说,一定的收入数额是免税的。For each individual, a certain amount is exempt from tax.

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又与他赔了些钱财,方得脱免。It compensates wealths with him side take off and exempt.

但布兰克芬似乎将自己的行为置于人的界限之外.But Blankfein seems to exempt himself from the rules of man.

不过有紧急公务在身的人可以例外。Those with urgent duties will be exempt from the switch-off.

为什么政府要免除银行的违法之罪?Why does the state exempt banks from the law of contradiction?

我能免去今年的常规体格检查吗?Can I be exempt from the regular physical examination this year?

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时尚影响着所有的人类行为,科学也不能免俗。FASHION affects all human activities, and science is not exempt.

没有缺点错误的人是没有的。No one is free from shortcomings or exempt from making mistakes.

更重要的是电动车可以免除养路税以及伦敦的塞车税。And they are exempt from road tax and London's congestion charge.

对后一种情况,在转让股权时应免缴营业税。only on the last case, the transfer of equity is exempt from tax.

但是巢状列举和受保护的型别则不受限于此规则。Nested enumerations and protected types are exempt from this rule.

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申请展览者须依本馆「场地使用收费标准表」之规定办理。The invited exhibition is exempt from the charge of site usage fee.

恰恰因为所有这些信息都免于审计或监督。Just about all of this information is exempt from audit or oversight.

所有的申请将被收费除非你是无国籍人士。All applications will be charged unless you are an exempt nationality.