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骗子寻寻无正轻信的玩家。Crook find no is credulous game player.

一个轻信的父亲,一个忠厚的哥哥。EDM A credulous father, and a brother noble.

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只有轻信的人才会被那个陈旧的骗局骗倒。Only a credulous person would fall for that old trick.

轻信的人很容易上虚假广告的当。Credulous people are easily misled by false advertisements.

银行经理称“鱼先生,”是个轻信的人。The manager of the bank was credulous individual named Mr. Fish.

只有那些最盲目迷信的苹果爱好者才会摒息期待。Only the most credulous Apple fans will be holding their breaths.

轻信别人的投资者完全相信分析员所说的一切。The credulous investors believed in every word the analysts said.

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你说什么小孩子都会信——他们太容易相信别人了。Children will believe anything you tell them-they're so credulous.

不诚实的售货员往往认为所有游客都是容易上当的。Dishonest salespersons always think that all tourists are credulous.

这种令人惊讶的天真的想法源于轻易相信人类的本性。This astonishingly naive vision springs from a credulous faith inhuman nature.

吉伯特和同事们不情愿地承认,我们易轻信的心智好像喜欢坏消息。Gilbert and colleagues concede that our credulous mentality seems like bad news.

他们被告知他们已经失去了一些珍贵的东西,所以,也就更悲痛地轻易相信。They were told they have lost something precious, and so the more credulous grieved.

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对轻信者来说,邪恶的假相可能与美好的真相一样有市场。The evil of falsehood can claim as much purchase on the credulous as the good of truth.

加盟连锁诈骗泛滥,轻信这些广告,使得许多人损失惨重。Join in chain bilk runs rampant, credulous these advertisement, make a lot of people disastrous.

在此,你就需要静下心来,先想一下自己过去是否太轻信别人呢?Now you need calm down and think whether you are a credulous person who believe in other people.

还在互联网泡沫破裂时,轻信的银行家和投资人开始在房地产方面制造新的泡沫。Even as the dot-com bubble deflated, credulous bankers and investors began inflating a new bubble in housing.

一定不能轻信那些关于笔试包过的答案,要靠自己。Scarcely can be credulous those results that had included about written examination, want to rely on oneself.

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在治疗中不要轻信广告,选择有特色的专科医院做有效治疗!Do not want credulous ad in cure, hospital of choice distinctive specialized subject makes effective treatment!

她没有一点虚饰,也没有一点在这个容易轻信的世界上所流行的那种伪善。She was as far removed from pretence as she was from the posturing virtues that flourish in the credulous world of the drama.

迈克尔杰克逊的那些过度轻信谣言的歌迷们可以取消他们的烛光祈祷活动和折纸鹤活动,因为这位流行天王身体状况挺不错的。Overly credulous Michael Jackson fans can cancel their candlelight vigils and paper-crane-folding campaigns – the King of Pop is doing fine.