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地上薄薄地铺了一层雪。A thin, glassy coating of ice.

她给我看了装满几个托盘的透明的美味珍品。She revealed some trays of glassy titbits.

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有几个女子能够做到内心如明镜般通透?Several women can do inside the glassy transparent?

微风吹皱了平静如镜的湖水。The glassy surface of the lake was ruffled by the breeze.

银纹化是玻璃态高聚物所特有的一种现象。The crazing phenomenon is unique to amorphous glassy polymers.

最后,作者为它做了一个专门的博客叫做“玻璃眼睛”。Eventually, the author launched a dedicated blog for it called Glassy Eyes.

天边是耀眼的橙红色曙光,下面点缀着一条凝胶状的淡绿色带子。Dawn came glassy orange, stained from below by a gelatinous band of pale green.

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他翻起一双白蒙蒙的眼睛,仿佛在搜索什么消失了的往事。He raised his glassy eyes and seemed to be seeking something that had vanished.

建立了小分子在玻璃态高分子膜中吸收和解吸的传递模型。A transport model of penetrants in glassy polymer membranes has been established.

卡米诺人身材细长,有着玻璃般的眼睛,长长的脖子和苍白的皮肤。Kaminoans are tall, slender beings with glassy eyes, elongated necks, and pale skin.

他慢慢地把钓鱼这件事完全忘掉了,却恍恍惚惚地凝视着一平如镜的池水。But she had forgotton all about the fish, and was looking dreamily at the glassy water.

讨论了玻璃态高聚物PMMA在单轴压缩下的受力变形行为。Discusses the deformation behaviour under loading of glassy polymer PMMA in this paper.

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发现并用微观衍射分析证实了晶界处有玻璃相出现。The grain boundary glassy phase is observed and confirmed directly by microdiffraction.

这些细小,玻璃状微粒通常排入池塘处理以减少飞尘传播。The fine, glassy particles are usually disposed of in ponds to reduce the spread of dust.

制备了桑色素修饰电极,用于二丁基锡的测定。The determination of organotin with morin-modified glassy carbon electrode was also discussed.

在它的玻璃彩窗下,我能做的就只有跪下来祈祷。Underneath its colourful glassy windows, I could do nothing but prostrate myself to make a pray.

这个像玻璃一样的矿石是在火山石里面发现的,实际上,我是在新墨西哥州收集旅行中发现的。This glassy one is found in volcanic rock. In fact, I found it in New Mexico on a collecting trip.

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几月来,西山版纳河面平静如镜的湄公河闲庭漫步般流向中老边界。For months here in Xishuangbanna, a glassy Mekong had merely sauntered towards the border with Laos.

乍一看来,方解石可能与石英相混淆,因为两者都是透明、无色、且「呈玻璃状」的。At first glance, calcite might be confused with quartz where both are clear, colorless, and "glassy".

生物物质例如疫苗可以在可溶于水的某些玻璃质物质中得到稳定。Biological materials such as vaccines can be stabilised in certain glassy materials soluble in water.