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火车是文明的缩影。Trains epitomise civilisation.

速度是现代文明的祸害。Speed is the curse of modern civilisation.

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粮食短缺可能销蚀人类文明?Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilisation?

我们的当前文明将消失匿迹。Little trace of our current civilisation will remain.

中国是一个伪装成民族国家的文明。China is a civilisation pretending to be a nation-state.

如果我们的文明又要迎来一个黑暗时代怎么办?What if our civilisation is followed by a second dark age?

但为什么,一个一度强大的文明竟会屈服于西方呢?But why did a once-mighty civilisation succumb to the West?

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瓦哈卡地区的萨巴特克文明无疑拥有自己的文字。The Zapotec civilisation of Oaxaca undoubtedly had writing.

这部歌剧是西方文明的文化标志物之一。This opera is one of the cultural totems of Western civilisation.

我们基于这一知觉构建了我们文明的整个大厦。We have constructed the entire edifice of our civilisation on this idea.

当然,住房只是构成现代人类文明的一个部分而已,而吃饭问题当然更重要。Homes, of course, are only one part of what it takes to maintain a civilisation.

玛雅文明是哥伦布之前历史上最令人叹为观止的文明之一。The Mayan civilisation was one of the most spectacular in pre-Columbian history.

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也许智能和文明不属于我们应该关注的问题。Perhaps intelligence and civilisation are not what we should be concentrating on.

Needham死后,“中国的科学和文明”工作没有停止。Work on “Science and Civilisation in China” has pressed on since Needham’s death.

雅典是希腊的首都,作为西方文明的发祥地而闻名于世。Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilisation.

中国和非洲都是人类文明的发祥地,都是充满希望的热土。Both China and Africa are cradles of human civilisation and lands of great promise.

这个新年前夜,人们不会再担心以两位数表示年份的时钟会摧毁人类文明了。This New Year's eve there is no fear that two-digit clocks may bring down civilisation.

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面包在食品意义上是人文化和文明的不可缺少的基础。Bread in the sense of food is the indispensable basis of human culture and civilisation.

西方文化从古登堡格的贡献中所获得的收益是无法估量的。What western civilisation gained from Gutenberg's contribution is impossible to calculate.

但它们都源于希腊与罗马文明,以及一神论的基督教。But they have common antecedents in Greek and Roman civilisation and monotheistic Christianity.