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'整流'。''罩飞机的引擎外罩。The cowling on an aircraft.

翼根整流罩后部是开裂式减速板。Behind the wing root cowling is the dehiscence type speed brake.

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机身下面-安装起落架、机轮、轮罩。Below the fuselage----install lading gear, wheel and wheel cowling.

发动机吊架和整流罩无液压油渗漏和损伤。No damage and fluid fluid leakage from engine pylon and cowling doors.

那个技工拆下了飞机引擎罩修理引擎。The mechanic removed the cowling in order to repair the plane's engine.

庆祝,他有整流罩和他的战士的高视阔步画鲜艳蓝色。To celebrate, he had the cowling and struts of his fighter painted bright blue.

在组装过程中,工作人员发现‘3372’号‘零’战引擎罩后部的前机身蒙皮在北上的途中给丢失了。During re-assembly it was found that the fuselage panels aft of the cowling had been lost on Zero 3372 during its trip north.

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在季节期间的结尾,例如新的整流罩,某一悬浮设置和其他,我们介绍了新的自行车的一些个片断。We introduced a few pieces of the new bike during the end of season, such as a new cowling , some suspension setting, and others.

这是有争议的发动机罩的原因有很多工作要做,试图控制疯狂喷出石油,因为它是与精简的概念。It is arguable that the reason for cowling the engine had as much to do with trying to control the wildly spewing oil as it was to do with the concepts of streamlining.

注意发动机罩后面那块丢失了的机身蒙皮已由中国机械师设计的百叶窗式散热口的蒙皮来替代了。这使得3372号‘零’战在下面的照片中非常容易区分。Note the missing fuselage panels behind the cowling which were replaced by louvered panels of Chinese design and which distinguished Zero 3372 in subsequent photographs.