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我把光盘发到狭槽中。I put a CD-ROM in the slot.

他把一枚硬币投进孔里。He dropped a coin into the slot.

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我从漕沟拿出香烟。I take cigarettes from the slot.

请把钱币放进投币口。Please put a coin into the slot.

键槽插槽工具的位置。Keyway slot for tooling location.

她把硬币插入孔内。She inserted the coin in the slot.

嵌条缝是一种装饰缝。The slot seam is a decorative seam.

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它通过有二极管的凹槽。It goes through a slot with a diode.

油污也会从缝隙中流走。Mid-stream oil will go from the slot.

描写槽孔位置标签增加了。Descriptive slot position label added.

把它们放到我的日计划表里边。Slot them into my schedule for the day.

我们可以把换向器光车并拉槽。We can machine and slot the commutator.

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SCO数据包时隙长度始终是1时隙。SCO packets are always 1 slot in length.

应确保接地夹片在垫片槽上。Ensure the ground clip is on spacer slot.

一般只有五个人能获得常久性职位。Typically only five get a permanent slot.

让我们往老虎机里放一些钱。Let’s put some money into the slot machine.

切口要去除所有的披锋及锐边。Remove all burrs and sharp edges from slot.

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他所有的硬币塞给了老虎机。His coins all slotted into the slot machine.

该基座上开设有一容置槽。The base is provided with a containing slot.

请把你的信用卡插入槽口。Please insert your credit card into the slot.