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是处理器亲和性掩码。This is the processor affinity mask.

这物质和水有亲和力。This substance has an affinity for water.

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整个这个反应称为电子亲合。So this reaction is called electron affinity.

我的初恋,我与你心心相印。My first love, I and you have mutual affinity.

大概这就是我和沙子结下不解之缘的根由。That's probably why I have an affinity with sand.

第五章宗族姻亲与社会救助。Chapter V gens and affinity and the social relief.

大龙是这套牌击杀共鸣的方法。Furnace Dragon is the way this deck beats Affinity.

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亲合力的这种感觉得到我们更加接近和更加紧密。This feeling of affinity gets us closer and closer.

喜舍摄伏贪欲,行喜舍,可以广结善缘。Joyful giving subdues greed and makes good affinity.

它也可以形成我们的品牌亲合力与凝聚力。It will also form our affinity and brand association.

这在本质上与亲和层析是一样的。This is essentially the same as affinity chromatography.

那我们对货币为何会天生就宠爱有加呢?Why then do we seem to have a natural affinity for money?

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胚轴或幼茎的嫁接亲合力是个人满意的。The grafting affinity of plumular axis or caulicle is weel.

有缘的是,两个人在半路就遇着了。Affinity for the two people in the halfway of the Crackdown.

英国女性和亚洲女性之间有一种自然的亲近感。There is a natural affinity between British and Asian women.

骨骼细节迟早会证明她与人类的密切关系。Yet the details of her skeleton proclaim her human affinity.

黎列刚的音乐之缘始于小提琴和作曲。Li's affinity with music started with violin and composition.

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我对圣诞节的喜爱源于童年时代。My strong affinity for Chritmas comes from my childhood days.

像我画一些老镇、田野,自然就培养了对自然的亲近感。I feel an affinity with nature by painting old towns and land.

从这一天缘巧合中,我悟出那种深长的蕴意与博大的希望。I find in that affinity a profound source of meaning and hope.