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笼里夜莺不唱歌,浪里蛟龙任腾越。Nightingales will nit sing in a cage.

拉金正与詹姆斯。布朗迪,NIT的总裁会谈。Larkin's talking to James Brady, the president of NIT.

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他不约你是因为他被你成熟的情感吓到了。He's nit asking you out because he's scared of your emotional maturity.

他为什么今天来到斯坦福德与NIT的总裁詹姆斯。朗迪会谈呢?Why is he in Stamford today talking with James Brady, president of NIT?

当准备好的时候,把火鸡放在一个大盘子上,然后淋上用调味肉汁。When nit is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.

50岁的Nit在就业市场上不再具有竞争力,可是到拿退休金的年龄还差整整10年。At age fifty, Nit is no longer competitive in the job market, yet a full ten years away from qualifying for senior benefits.

如果通过适当的努力可以达到的话,对杂质不仅应当探测和计算其含量,还应当识别和描述。Impurities should nit only be detected and quantitated, but should also be identified and characterized when this is possible with reasonable effort.

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第二项实践对他们来说也是一个机会来降低被感觉到的找茬儿或者仅仅为了挑毛病而吹毛求疵的风险。This second practice also serves as an opportunity for them to mitigate the risk of being perceived as nit picking or picking a battle just to pick a battle.

由非专业照护者进行梳头除虫卵的效果不佳,显示将梳头作为附属的治疗法并不可靠。The failure of nit removal combing by nonprofessional caregivers to improve efficacy demonstrates the unreliability of combing as adjunctive treatment in this setting.

初步认为来源于北冰洋的鱼粉NIT光谱特性稳定,而来源于南太平洋的鱼粉NIT光谱特性不稳定。The preliminary conclusion is that FM which comes from the Arctic Ocean has stable NIT spectrograms, but the one which comes from the South PacificOcean has the opposite.

企业承担了市发改委和经信委、科委有关物联网的项目或课题,并成为高新技术标准化示范单位。FK NIT has been undertaken the "Internet of Things" project and research topic from SMDRC, SHEITC and STCSM. FK NIT has become a Hi-tech standardization demonstration company.

第六章,论文给出了将NIT方法应用于实际测试项目中的一个应用案例,基本说明了NIT方法的可行性以及实际测试效果,在附录中给出了有关该应用案例的详细资料。In chapter six, I present an actual testing project involved with NIT to prove the NIT is feasible and effective. The detailed information of this testing case are provided in several appendixes.