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专利滑动定位设计,使用安全,轻松简单。Paten slide and click orientation design for safe and easy to use.

研究结论表明,最优的专利长度和专利宽度都是有限的。It is showed that optimal patent length and optimal paten breadth are all finite.

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派登对自己的定义不仅是制造商,同时也是服务供应商。Paten Wireless has positioned itself not only as a manufacturer, but also as a service provider.

强化对专利权的保护,这也是中国专利制度发展的关键。Strengthening the protection of paten is also the key to the development of Chinese patent system.

只有当每个队员具备了最好的基技术、进攻战术和防守战术,胜利才会来临。Victory comes only when every player possesses the best basic skills, attack paten and defence patern.

“综合市场经济模式”的提出,具有一定的理论意义和显著的现实意义。Great theoretic and realistic significance lies in putting forward the economic paten of comprehensive market.

魔鬼是谎言之父,但他忽略了把这创意登记专利权,而今这生意竞争可激烈哩。The devil was the father of lie, but he neglected to paten the idea, and the business now suffers from competition.

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正是由于外观设计在经济发展中的重要作用,各国都相当重视外观设计专利教学。It is the important role outer design plays in economic development that makes every country attach great importance to outer design paten.

本文试图从能否利用公知技术抗辩原则这一国际通行的专利法准则应对跨国公司专利霸权作了有益的探讨。This paper are trying to give a helpful discussion about that whether can we use the prior art principle to tackle the paten hegemony of MNC.

介绍专利的信息特征,在此基础上介绍专利分析法产生的背景、专利分析的具体方法。Introduce the information characteristic of patent, and introduce the background and the concrete paten analysis method that base on this basis.

商业方法发明不同于纯粹的智力活动规则和方法,实施的效果不因实施人的主观认知和智力差异而不确定。Business method cannot be excluded in the paten protection, and it shouldn't be treated as the rules and ways of the human intellectual activities.

目前,我国正处于两个世纪之交、两种体制过渡、两种经济增长方式转换的重要历史时期,新的时期,地方财政面临着新的思路,肩负着艰巨的任务,可谓挑战与机遇并存、困难与希望同在。Now, we are at the cross of century, the transition of two systems, and the transform of paten of economic increasing. Local finance faces the new thoughts, having an arduous task.

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随着中国加入WTO,2005年中国保险市场的全面开放,我国保险市场竞争格局正在发生着深刻的变化。As China joined WTO, China opened the insurance market in an all-round Way in 2005, the market competition paten of insurance of our country is changing deeply. China Life Insurance Co.