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我只作了一首田园诗。I've composed only one idyll.

上周,这田园诗般的生活似乎要终结了。Last week the idyll seemed to be over.

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我们深知,没有你们,就没有安海平川。We know without you there would be no our IDYLL.

一件始料不及的事情终结了他们的爱情。An unexpected turn of events brought their idyll to an end.

乡土田园的古典美已构成对都市现代美的遮蔽。Classical beauty of local idyll has covered modern beauty in urban.

在他们这段漫长的诗一样的夏日生活中,这是他们最亲密的一次接触了。This was their closest approach to intimacy during their long Summer idyll.

她发现她搬进的这个寂静小镇并非她想象中的乡间田园。She finds that the sleepy town she moves to isn'tthe rural idyll she imagined.

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他们曾试图让城市中产阶级在周末来这里享受农家乐。Here they had been trying to create a weekend idyll for the urban middle classes.

路易斯和乔的牧歌即将结束时,路易斯说,他希望看到前一次。Louis and Joe's idyll draws to an end when Louis says he wants to see Prior again.

这些,就构成陶渊明作为一个得自“江山之助”的杰出田园诗人的重要底蕴。As an outstanding idyll poet, these are Tao Yuanming's important foundation from nature's help.

亚龙湾背靠绿树覆盖的陡峭山岭,这里长长的沙滩是一个热带旅游胜地。Backed by steep tree-covered hills, the long sandy beach at Yalong Bay is a tropical tourist idyll.

可是如果你担心你的碳排放的话,居住在城市就再好不过啦。If it's your carbon footprint you're worried about, though, you'd be better off cultivating an urban idyll.

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他的成长过程在他自己的描述里是“无比快乐”的——那是在汉普郡的新森林区,就像达雷尔风格的田园牧歌一样。It was an upbringing he describes as "incredibly happy" – a Durrellian idyll near the New Forest in Hampshire.

歌词则是狄更斯风格和现代风格的碰撞,充满牧歌般的田园与杂乱无章的城市之间的冲突。The lyrics is a collision of the Dickensian and the modern, in which pastoral idyll collides against urban sprawl.

中国山水诗史向来采取兼容并蓄的态度,涵括著游览、行旅、山水、田园诸篇来编写。It always incorporates diverse things in Chinese scenery poem history, including sightseeing, journey, scenery, and idyll.

美联社消息,绕着柬埔寨的塔太河走一圈,你会发现这里静谧的热带田园转眼间就变成了一个工业梦魇。Round a bend in Cambodia's Tatai River and the virtual silence of a tropical idyll turns suddenly into an industrial nightmare.

总结了古代庄园“隐逸文化”、山水田园文化以及“天人合一”思想和风水文化。This paper summarized the seclusion culture of the ancient manor, landscape and idyll culture, ideal of nature and geomantic culture.

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老套的梦想认为,国际互联网会让那些人跑到热带岛屿上或农村田园里去远程办公,这事儿看起来不会成真。The old dream that the internet would allow such people to move to some tropical island or rural idyll and telecommute is unlikely to come true.

王维、陶渊明的田园山水诗均属优美的美学范畴,以平淡、静谧为主要风格。Wang Wei's Idyll and Tao Yuanming's Idyll both fall into the aesthetic category of "beauty", with tranquility and nonchalance as their main style.

晋宋山水田园诗由于产生于同一历史背景而有着共同的思想艺术特征。Landscape and idyll in Jin and Song Dynasties, produced under the same historical background, share the common ideological and artistic characteristics.