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一个女人鄙夷地阉割了一个男人的气概Tauntingly, a woman lances a man's virility

其文学理论,“阳刚”之论独具特色。His literature theory's distinguishing feature was virility.

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通过研究,他说,这的确能增加男性生殖能力。Research, he says, indicates they may actually increase virility.

马赛族人以刺戳大象展现男性气概闻名。Maasai men are known to demonstrate their virility by spearing elephants.

中世纪,男人们佩戴钻石,作为勇敢和刚强的象征。In the Middle Ages, men wore them to symbolise their courage and virility.

健脾、补肾中药对上述变化有明显改善作用。Invigorating spleen and restoring virility can improve above changes remarkably.

对男性来说,文身显示着他们的阶层、地位和凶猛或男子的气概。For men, the moko showed their rank, their status and their ferocity, or virility.

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但无法忍受妾子对自己性能力的资难。But is unable to endure the concubine child to be difficult to own virility capital.

一个勇敢的男孩通过赢得钟情女孩的心来展示他的男子气概。A brave boy showed his virility and manhood by winning the heart of his beloved lady.

以上的诠释证明罗总主教生命哲学的真实性。All the interpretation above confirm the virility of Archbishop Lo's philosophy of life.

别介意啤酒实际上会减少男人的生殖力和强烈运动的能力。Never mind that beer actually reduces a guy's virility and ability to succeed in sports.

有时,他们被视为祝福,或作为他们父亲拥有更好的性能力的一个标志。Sometimes they were viewed as a blessing, or even as a sign of their father’s superior virility.

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在越南,人门相信眼镜蛇心脏能够提升男子性功能,肠胃病学教授哈利-泰歇如是说。Cobra hearts are believed to enhance male virility in Vietnam, gastroenterologist Harry Teicher says.

妻子比自己年轻近35岁的伯克斯先生,将其生殖力归功于爱吃香蕉。Mr Burks, whose wife is nearly 35 years his junior, has credited his love of bananas for his virility.

在宴会上,郭台铭跳上舞台,脱掉晚礼服,一口气做了30个俯卧撑以证明自己精力不减。During the reception, Gou mounted the stage, shed his tuxedo jacket, and did 30 pushups to prove his virility.

该物曾在的水下求偶中用于吸引配偶,并被视为男性力量与气概的标志。These were once used in underwater duels to attract a mate, and were seen as a sign of the males' strength and virility.

医学的发展不仅增长了人类的寿命,还延长了人类的生殖力。Advances in medical science have extended not only human life spans, but virility during the course of those longer lives.

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特别是旅游,有消除疲劳、补肾、强力、促进血液循环的特殊功效。Travel especially, have the tired cancellation, restore virility , strong dint, promote special effect of the blood circulation.

据说后来甚至从老虎的身上收集器官来创造昂贵的“阳刚滋补”品,直接引起了民众的强烈抗议。The zoo then allegedly harvested the tigers' organs to create expensive "virility tonics, " which rightfully caused a public outcry.

男性可能会做出一些“超级男子气概的举动”——比如展示他们的阳刚之气或者性能力——以补偿他们的男性认同感。" Men might engage in "hypermasculine activities" — displaying their sexual virility or sexual competence — as a form of compensatory behavior.