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那是一个负值。And that's a negative.

消极的心,解锁!Negative Heaet Lock on!

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因为有总浮时是负数。There is negative float.

避免否定句。Avoid negative sentences.

我是多说了一个否定词。I used an extra negative.

它有负的能量。It has a negative energy.

腰大肌牵张试验显阴性。Psoas stretch is negative.

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功的符号是负数。This is a negative number.

负的Rydberg常数除以什么?Negative Rydberg over what?

他们都得到了否定的答案。They all came back negative.

现在情况更糟This is now tipped negative.

什麽是超负电离子?。What are super negative ions?

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你们选择了一个负数。You picked a negative number.

这时就是一个负的共沸混合物。And a negative azeotrope here.

这是一条宽度是负数的道路。It’s a line of negative width.

或者说得到负值。Or even go to negative values.

对负面的咆哮方式说抱歉。Sorry about the negative rant.

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你得到了负的波长。You have negative wavelengths.

好,如果x是负的呢?Right. X is negative. X is -16.

还有零或者是负的人头数。And zero or negative head count.