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它使用于放射性碳年代测定法。And its use in radiocarbon dating.

所有生物都含有放射性碳。All living things contain radiocarbon.

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叶子被允许同放射性碳进行光合作用。The leaf was allowed to photosynthesize in the presence of radiocarbon.

放射性碳年代测定法显示,那块布料产于1260年与1390年之间。Radiocarbon dating in 1988 showed the cloth was made between 1260 and 1390.

所以放射性碳年代测定对许多史前艺术有用。So it turns out that radiocarbon dating works for a lot of prehistorical art.

放射性碳显示这个头颅的年龄符合国王的死期。Radiocarbon dating showed that the head's age matched the king's date of death.

船体木材碎片经过碳定年分析,证实出自公元七00到九00年。Radiocarbon analysis dates fragments of the wooden hull to between 700 and 900 AD.

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有时候大气原因会使碳素十年甚至百年保持稳定。Sometimes atmospheric radiocarbon levels remain constant for many decades, even centuries.

放射性碳测定年代的专家们还发现了在考古现场工作的各种优点。Radiocarbon dating experts have also found advantages from working onsite with archaeologists.

“如果这样说,你甚至可以在一个公元前6世纪的挪威村庄遗址中发现能证明所谓大卫时代的放射性碳证据!”"You can find evidence in radiocarbon for David being a villager in Norway in the sixth century A.D.!

到目前为止,放射性碳测年的网站已链接到第10和第9世纪公元前的铁器时代。So far, radiocarbon dating of the site has linked it to the 10th and 9th centuries B. C. , the Iron Age.

这位教授认为,对裹尸布所做的放射性碳年代测定结论有错误,因为取样受到了污染。The professor believes the radiocarbon dating of the shroud was wrong because the sample was contaminated.

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这个经古生物学家采用放射性碳定年法测定后的结论早就被众人所知了。This has been known for a long time, from radiocarbon dating from charcoal by paleontologists, " he says."

这项研究也是史前巨石群火葬墓地第一次接受放射性碳年代测定。The research marks the first time any of the cremation burial sites from Stonehenge have been radiocarbon dated.

但是骨锥这样的生物材料是可降解材料,通过放射性碳测试即可知道它的年代。But the bone awl such biological material is may degrade the material, then knows its age through the radiocarbon test.

研究小组用碳→14年代测定法测定一颗刺梨种子的内部,把粪化石的年代确定为9260年以前。The team obtained the date of 9260 years ago for the coprolite by radiocarbon dating one of the prickly pear seeds inside.

该小组利用放射性碳分析来计算出哪些烟尘来自于生物质,哪些来自于矿物燃料。The team used radiocarbon analysis to figure out what parts of the soot come from biomass and what comes from fossil fuels.

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用放射性碳测年法对在地震中丧生的三名儿童的遗骸进行检测后,研究者确定洪水大约发生在公元前1920年。Radiocarbon dating of the bones of three children killed by the earthquake establish that the event took place around 1920 B. C.

但是,他称光刺激冷光技术没有放射性碳年代鉴别法可靠,后者已经在其他早期的美洲考古遗址中得到应用。But he said that the OSL technique was less reliable than radiocarbon dating, which has been applied to other early American sites.

“很多针对这一时期的放射性碳年代测定的精确范围都存在争议,”阿米哈伊·玛扎尔说着便有些厌倦的轻笑起来。"Many of the radiocarbon dates for this period cover exactly the range that's under debate, " Amihai Mazar says, chuckling wearily.