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他们在河中划独木舟。They were canoeing in the river.

我们现在正在湖中划独木舟。We are canoeing in the lake now.

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其中的两块金牌都来自于皮划艇项目。Both the gold medals were from canoeing.

万籁俱寂的黎明时泛舟湖上Canoeing at the lake at dawn when the world is quiet.

下个夏天我们想去露营和划独木舟。We would like to go camping and canoeing next summer.

每次我计画去划独木舟或露营时,就会有暴风雨来。Every time I plan to go canoeing or camping, a storm comes along.

皮划艇是使用皮划子或小艇进行的水上运动。Canoeing is a water sport practiced in small boats called canoes or kayaks.

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在亚特兰大最著名的克罗格街隧道里,我偶然遇见一对划独木舟的夫妇。I chanced upon a couple canoeing through the most famous tunnel in Atlanta, the Krog Street Tunnel.

水上运动,例如帆船运动,赛艇运动和皮划艇运动将在伦敦境外举行,一些足球比赛项目也是如此。Watersports such as sailing, rowing and canoeing will be held outside London, as will some football matches.

青哥哥,待会我们去泛舟湖上约会,很浪漫的哟!Green elder brother, needs a meeting we go canoeing altitude appointment in the lake, very mythological of hey!

许多居民骑着马在岛上来来往往,喜欢水上运动,其中包括钓鱼、划船和玩独木舟。Many residents move around the island on horseback and enjoy water sports including fishing, boating, and canoeing.

我喜欢观看胶片和读书,去的野营和做室外运动,譬如白色水用筏子运送。I like watching films and reading, going camping and doing outdoor pusuits such as canoeing and white water rafting.

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而在另一些游途中,您将乘坐木筏或小船前往探寻大自然的奥秘,或驶向未与圣乔治岛用桥相连的其它小岛。Other tours take you canoeing or boating in search of nature or off to islands unconnected by bridges to the mainland.

我喜欢这里的夏天。在加拿大长大的我,夏天的时候不外乎就是露营、垂钓、滑水或者划独木舟。I love the summertime. Growing up in Canada all I did was spend my summers camping, fishing, water skiing and canoeing.

当我们在美国组织了为期一周的独木舟旅行,一位家长抱怨那过于危险。When we organized a one-week canoeing trip in the United States, one parent complained that canoeing would be too dangerous.

几千年来,由于生产的发展和社会的进步,独木舟已为其他船艇所替代。For thousands of years, due to the development of the production and social progress, canoeing have been replaced by other vessels.

奥运互动体验区,通过亲身体验模拟赛艇、模拟射击等项目使参观者体验部分奥运赛项。In the Olympic Inter-active Experience Area, the audiences have an opportunity to experience such simulated canoeing and shooting event.

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虽然有点竞技性质,不过还不忘记享受生活,他带了香槟和酒杯,用浆稳稳地托住送给我的中国同事。Altough canoeing is a bit competition, but he didn't forget enjoying the life. Using the oar to pass the champagne to my Chinese colleague.

中国皮划艇运动员虽然在第28届奥运会上实现了我国水上项目金牌零的突破,但我国皮划艇队在发展中还存在一些急待解决的问题。Though the Chinese canoeists won their first gold medal at the 28th Olympic Games, there still existed some problems in the Chinese canoeing.

于是我们决定去划船,他父母从来没有划过窄体的船,所以下水才十分钟就翻了,不知所措。That was flat water canoeing , but his parents never canoed before, and 10 minutes after launching they flipped into the water, complete panic.