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她如今不再是清瘦而是瘦骨嶙峋。She was not merely thin but skeletal.

我们需要特别重的骨骼系统。We need a heavy-weight skeletal system.

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从礁体冲向陆地方向的生物骨屑。Skeletal debris swept landward from a reef.

亡灵巫师可以召唤远程骷髅了。Necromancers can raise ranged Skeletal Mages.

确诊一年以后,父亲已是骨瘦如柴。One year after his diagnosis, my dad was skeletal.

它又称为随意肌或骨骼肌。It also called involuntary muscle or skeletal muscle.

页面模板用于定义页面的框架结构。Page templates define the skeletal structure of the page.

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运送眼睛及各500克的肝脏和骨骼肌。Ship the eyes and 500g each of liver and skeletal muscle.

2002年,利维的骸骨在一个城市公园里被发现。Levy's skeletal remains were found in a city park in 2002.

微绒毛活动的支撑骨架为微丝。The microfilament is the skeletal structure of microvilli.

另一些则仅仅是珊瑚和骸骨碎片的堆积。Others are merely accumulations of coral and skeletal debris.

食管上段有明显的骨骼肌。The upper third of the esophagus is marked by skeletal muscle.

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妈妈和女儿拥有相同的骨骼和细胞结构。Mothers and daughters have the same skeletal and cellular make up.

空泡变的骨骼肌纤维强烈表达S100。S100 was strongest in skeletal muscle fibers with vacuolar change.

骨骼肌肉谷氨酰胺浓度的主站点。Skeletal muscles are the primary sites of glutamine concentration.

两个“不消费主义者”在搜检垃圾桶时发现了一个人类头骨。Two ‘freegans’ are dumpster-diving and find a human skeletal head.

精通招唤骷髅的研发时间从45秒缩减为30秒。Skeletal Mastery research time reduced to 30 seconds from 45 seconds.

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生活在公元前7000年的人的骸骨表明那时的人也感染过此病。Skeletal remains show that people back in 7000 B.C. were also effected.

但问题是,我想不明白这怎么就和骨骼系统扯上了关系。But I don't have a clue as to what that means about the skeletal system?

画任何路易斯结构第一步,都是先画出它的骨架。the first step in any Lewis structure is drawing the skeletal structure.