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他说他被构陷了。He said he had been framed.

他嗫嚅着吐出几个字。His lips framed a few words.

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建造它的人肯定是个骗子。Whoever framed it must be a fraud.

这幅画用黑色镜框框起来会好看的。The picture was framed in light oak.

他说他受到了前妻的诬陷。He said he was framed by his ex-wife.

眼睛周围是浓重的黑烟圈。Her eyes were framed by dark circles.

我把这些东西送到鲁西提,用框架装起来。I sent them out to be framed in Lucite.

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喏,真实的故事,就是这样,我被冤枉了!That's it. The real story. I was framed.

宽沿帽衬托出那女孩美丽的容貌。A large hat framed the girl's pretty face.

高高的硬领衬着他的窄脸。A high stiff collar framed his narrow face.

凯尔特人队让科比如此深有感触是有历史原因的。The Celtics have framed Bryant for history.

我把我的自画像装框挂房间里。I framed my portrait and hung it in my room.

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她迷人的脸上垂落着乌亮的黑发。Her charming face was framed with raven hair.

那是幅手绘,像这么小的一幅带框画,It was a drawing, like a small framed drawing

被告说他被人陷害了。The accused man siad that he had been framed.

这些相片镶以红色相框会很好看。The photographs will look nice framed in red.

它大约两英尺长,木制的镜框。It was about two feet long and framed in wood.

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我想这海报框子挂在我的家里。I want this poster framed and hung in my house.

头上的发髻让她的,整张脸就像一个伞菌。The knobs framed her face like dark toadstools.

我称之为框住或者被框住。One is what I'd like to call Frame or Be Framed.