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盐酸,液氨,氨水。Hydrochloric acid, Yean, ammonia water.

金在盐酸中不溶解。Gold won't dissolve in hydrochloric acid.

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水蒸汽将导致氢氯酸的生成。Moisture will cause hydrochloric acid formation.

利用盐酸浸出煤矸石,以达到除铁的目的。The test wipes off the iron using hydrochloric acid.

在有水蒸汽存在的情况下,它会生成氢氯酸。In the presence of moisture it will form hydrochloric acid.

盐酸青藤碱是其盐酸盐。The hydrochloric acid cocculus tunbergii alkali is its muriate.

又或者将铁放入盐酸中,然后将溶液加热变成结晶。Or add iron to hydrochloric acid and boil the solution to dryness.

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可伐合金废料首先用盐酸通氯溶解,使钴、镍、铁进入溶液而金不溶。The kovar scrap is first dissolved with hydrochloric acid and chlorine.

采用稀盐酸作淋洗剂,大大简化了检测手续,经济简便。With hydrochloric acid as eluant, the procedure can be greatly simplified.

但是这个过程同时也释放了大量的氯化氢酸性气体。But this process also released large amounts of deadly hydrochloric acid gas.

采用盐酸做预处理,并采用阿白格B参与媒介染料染色的染色工艺。By pretreatment with hydrochloric acid and use of Albegal B in mordant dyeing.

在井的酸化作业中所用的加有表面活性剂的盐酸。Hydrochloric acid with a surfactant additive that is used in acidizing a well.

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盐酸与水相互作用形成水合氢离子和氯离子。Hydrochloric acid interacts with water to form hydronium ions and chloride ions.

将供试品炽灼残渣分成两份,每份加入5ml稀盐酸。Take up the residue in 2 quantities, each of 5 ml, of dilute hydrochloric acid R.

研究了盐酸处理对蓝晶石可浮性的影响。The influence of hydrochloric acid treatment on kyanite floatability is stud- ied.

方法应用盐酸氨溴索针剂治疗49例早产儿肺炎患儿。Methods Hydrochloric acid ambroxol was applied to treat 49 premature with pneumonia.

考察了还原反应时间、盐酸用量和后处理对反应的影响。Reaction time, hydrochloric acid quantity and post-treatment condition were examined.

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溶解度不易溶于水或乙醇,易溶于稀盐酸。Not dissolve in the water and alcohol, but easily dissolved in rare hydrochloric acid.

这些小片剂每片含有一滴盐酸,药效持续四个小时左右。These small tablets contain one drop of hydrochloric acid and they last about four hours.

硫酸、三氯化铁、盐酸掺杂POHP都显示良好的稳定性。The POHP doped by sulfuric acid, ferric chloride and hydrochloric acid show good stability.