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这篇访问发表后,州参议员比尔·拉金的办公室打电话邀请奎因去奥尔巴尼。After it ran, state senator Bill Larkin's office called to invite Quinn to Albany.

你在奥尔尼巴,那和接近,达拉斯。Oswego You're in Albany? Oswego, Oswego that's where it's near, Oswego Student Dallas.

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数据表明,位于纽约州首府奥尔巴尼郊区的柯隆尼是最安全的城市。The safest city, statistically speaking, was seen as Colonie, N.Y., a suburb of Albany.

真正的加的夫巨人石像放在奥尔巴尼。可恶!You have been haunting a plaster cast of yourself- the real Cardiff Giant is in Albany.

1969年,她考入圣罗斯学院,一个坐落在奥尔巴尼的罗马天主教学院。In 1969 she enrolled at the College of Saint Rose, a Roman Catholic institution in Albany.

我们有象罗彻斯特和布法罗这样的商业城市。无需提起阿尔巴尼,我的首府。We've got industrial cities like Rochester and Buffalo. Not to mention my capital, Albany.

麻省理工学院的官员回忆说,琼斯女士受聘之后,又在自己的履历里添加了一个奥尔巴尼医学院的学位。MIT officials have said that Ms. Jones added a degree from Albany Medical College after she was hired.

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1924年的时候,佛瑞德和温格分别就读于西雅图的奥尔巴尼学院和辛普森圣经学院。They met in 1924 as college students, he at Albany College and she at Simpson Bible College in Seattle.

1807年8月11日,第一艘商业蒸汽船从纽约市沿哈德逊河逆流而上,驶往阿尔巴尼。On August 11, 1807, the first commercial steamship traveled up the Hudson River from New York City to Albany.

他能在如此有权势的地位苟延残喘这么久,对国会的不良影响不下于彼得森丑闻对艾尔巴尼的影响。His prolonged survival in such a powerful position says as much about Congress as the Paterson scandal does about Albany.

县治安官说星期天一艘载有数十名老年游客的游船在首府奥尔巴尼北边的乔治湖倾覆,造成21人死亡。A county sheriff says at least 21 people died on the incident on Lake George, which is north of the state capital, Albany.

伊利运河始自伊利湖的布法罗市,结束于哈德逊河的奥尔巴尼市和特洛伊市,横跨整个纽约州。The Erie Canal crossed the state of New York from the city of Buffalo on Lake Erie to Albany and Troy on the Hudson River.

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县治安官说星期天一艘载有数十名老年游客的游船在首府奥尔巴尼北边的乔治湖倾覆,造成21人死亡。A county official says at least 21 people died on the incident on Lake George, which is north of the state capital, Albany.

他想到从阿尔巴尼和乌地加开来的南行车就在这个时候开到。At this time there had come to him the thought that this south train from albany as well as utica being due here at this hour.

1807年,美国人富尔顿?罗伯特“克莱蒙特”号蒸汽轮船完成了从纽约到奥尔巴尼航行!In 1807, Robert Fulton s "North River Steam Boat" began heading up New Yorks Hudson River on its successful round-trip to Albany.

荷兰人一待这群人走出视线,便急忙赶到阿尔巴尼州,提醒将军敌人即将到来。They let the Dutchman go, and as soon as the band was out of sight he hastened to Albany and warned the general of their approach.

伊利运河是一条影响美国历史的航道,它经由哈德逊河在奥尔巴尼将五大湖与纽约连为一体。The Erie Canal is a historic waterway of the United States, connecting the Great Lakes with New York City via the Hudson River at Albany.

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要注意到的一点是,“风力探索者”从澳大利亚西南部的阿尔伯尼到东部的悉尼,并非是全程不插电的。It's important to note that the Wind Explorer's journey from Albany in southwestern Australia to Sydney in the east wasn't entirely unplugged.

奥尔巴尼联合报道记者迈克尔希尔和克莉丝卡罗拉和纽约AP新闻研究院芭芭拉Sambriski共同报道。Associated Press writers Michael Hill and Chris Carola in Albany and AP news researcher Barbara Sambriski in New York contributed to this report.

诺伊兰先生来自柏林,他以前是一名摩托车设计师,曾在奥尔巴尼校区呆了三年,教授交通和工业设计课程。Mr Neuland is a former motorcycle designer from Berlin, who has been at the Albany campus for three years, teaching transport and industrial design.