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与时俱进的人才是明智的人。The people who advance with times is advisability.

关于该病例做手术的可行性,我持有疑问。I have doubts about the advisability of surgery in this case.

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明智指的是用最好的办法去追求最好的目标。Advisability means to gain the best goal with the best method.

保持简捷也许是雅虎的明智之选。Maintain forthright perhaps is the advisability of Yahoo to choose.

所以同等材料比较价格才是明智之举。So coequal material compares the price just is advisability to lift.

不过,面积较小的浴室更宜用冷色调。However, the smaller bathroom more advisability of using either cold colours.

有些衣物则不宜用洗衣机洗涤,否则将得不偿失。Some clothes are not the advisability of using either washing machines wash, or it will lose.

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对这两种方法所采用的参考框架的合理性给出了判别准则。The criteria for judging advisability of reference frame obtained with the two methods are given.

有显然是一个严重的分化,其中美国的精英约宜此类攻击。There is obviously a serious divide amongst the US elite about the advisability of such an attack.

每一样我的前辈,我深深感激她明智的律师。Like my each former incumbent, it is thankful that I negotiate to her advisability very and deeply.

直到那时,市场才看到了周忻果断增发是何等明智。Till in those days, the market just saw Zhou Xin is decisive add sending is what kind advisability.

再者细细推算,太后此举委实有失明智。Is furthermore small and soft to calculate, queen mother this undertaking really has already lost advisability.

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人在生活面临艰难险阻时,如要度过难关,众所周知,确实需要坚韧和明智。When confronted with difficulties and dangers in life, as it is well-known, people need strength and advisability.

这并非不可能,但我怀疑现在是否适当时机,来处理额外的复杂的结构性问题。This is not impossible , but i have doubts about the advisability of tackling additional complex structural issues at this time.

目的探讨采用抗结核治疗处理慢性结核性脑膜炎所致脑积水的可行性。Objective To explore the advisability of treating hydrocephalus after chronic tubercular tuberculous meningitis with conservative methods.

日膳食指南认同了少量脂肪摄入的需求,同时也强调限制摄人脂肪和糖是明智的。This plan recognizes the need for a small amount of fat, while also emphasizing the advisability of limiting the intake of fats and sweets.

我参加过一次研究会议,会上一位科学家被问及他对于继续进行一项试验是否值得作何感想。I've attended research conferences where a scientist has been asked what he thinks about the advisability of continuing a certain experiment.

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南云中将的参谋官员正等着我提出报告。他们一直在激烈争论是否应该再度出击。Admiral Nagumo's staff, while waiting for my report, had been engaged in heated discussion about the advisability of launching another attack.

南云中将的参谋官员正等著我提出报告。他们一直在激烈争论是否应该再度出击。Admiral nagumo's staff, while waiting for my report, had been engaged in heated discussion about the advisability of launching another attack.

这位老邻居来了白官,林肯跟他说了数小时关于解放黑奴的问题。The old neighbor called at the White House, and Lincoln talked to him for hours about the advisability of issuing a proclamation freeing the slaves.