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其次,要准确把握节奏,演奏中要有集体的节奏感。Secondly, we should grasp rhythm correctly with the sense of collectivity.

第五是个体性与集体性相结合的劳动特点。The fifth is the laboring characteristic of individuality and collectivity.

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舍勒认为上帝是个体对集体的精神意向。Scheler figure that God is spirit intention between individual and collectivity.

是实现无人化高效率的集体包装。A kind of collectivity package which is realized automatically in high efficiency.

完成了船体表面清刷机器人的总体设计。Therefore, collectivity design on The Underwater Ship Hull Cleaning Robot is finished.

本文主要对于集体逃生舱的总体性能进行研究。In this paper, we mainly concern the whole performance of the collectivity escaping chamber.

劳动群众集体所有制是具有中国特色公有制的一种实现形式。The work masses collectivity ownership is a implementing form of China featured public ownership?

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然而,更重要的是小学成为了创建社区自豪感和集体感的里程碑项目。More importantly, however, the Primary School became a landmark of community pride and collectivity.

团结奋进的集体,洗去了我悲观的情绪,让我由衷的感动,改变了我内心认为人天生慵懒的想法。Because I thought human was naturally lazy. And now the rally and vigorous collectivity changed my thought.

其实,我一早还没有和母亲取得联结,而是先经历了霎哈嘉集体纯粹的爱。So I didn't get into contact with the Mother first, but I experienced the pure love of the SY collectivity.

科学研究的集体性、开放性给科研管理带来了挑战。It is the collectivity and openess of scientific research that bring about challenge for scientific management.

第二章介绍了增值业务演示平台总体规划和软硬件平台的搭建。The Chapter Two introduces collectivity program of U-MAX' s demo and the construction of software and hardware.

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只有在集体中,道德主体的主体性、个性才能得到充分的展示与发展。Only in the collectivity can the general and specific character of moral subject be revealed and realized fully.

通过样本向量和总体向量之间的马氏距离识别损伤。The damage is identified by calculating the Mahalanobis distances between sample vectors and collectivity vectors.

当然,永远不能忽视企业集群总体竞争力发展的条件、限制与风险。Of course, condition, limitation and risk in the development of cluster collectivity competency can not be ignored.

古典奏鸣曲式的整体结构形态包含了和声、曲式、节奏与织体四大要素。The whole structure form of the classic sonata type consists of four factors, chord, melody, rhythm and collectivity.

归属于一个协作良好的成功团队的自豪感,同样可以从一个更大的集体中获得。The same pride in being part of a well-coordinated, successful unit is derived from being part of a large collectivity.

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学科教师首先要有扎实的学科专业知识素养,养成良好的集体精神与合作意识。A subject teacher should have strong subject knowledge attainment, good collectivity spirit and cooperation consciousness.

森林公园典型样地白桦林环境因子的总体生态效应最佳,此区域内适宜开展森林浴场旅游活动。The collectivity ecology effect of white birch forest is best. It is suitable of developing forest bathing in this region.

首先,你将住进4~6个人的宿舍,因此你要适应集体生活和别人友好的相处。In the first place, you will live in dorm with maybe 4 or 6 guys. So collectivity lives need you to make neighborly with others.