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怎样快速消肿乳腺肿块?。Bump of mammary gland of how fast detumescence ?

能抚慰乳腺增生发育。To assuage the development of mammary hyperplasia.

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乳腺增生不能喝蜂蜜水吗?。Cannot mammary gland hyperplasia drink honey water?

哪些腹泻可以用乳酶生?Which diarrheas can living with the mammary ridge Mao?

遇到乳腺增长,你会切除纤维瘤吗?Encounter mammary gland growth, can you excise fibroma?

乳腺纤维瘤属于乳腺增生吗?Does mammary gland fibroma belong to mammary gland hyperplasia?

囊肿的密度与乳腺腺体相似或稍致密。Cyst density and mammary gland gland similar or slightly compact.

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中西医结合治疗中、重度乳腺腺病的探讨。Study on TCM-WM therapy of middle and severe adenosis of mammary.

结论应用中医内外合治法治疗早期乳痈有显著疗效。Conclusion This method is quite effective for early mammary abscess.

但即使如此,比萨饼的根源可追溯至古老的时代。About mammary complex, there is account early in antediluvian period.

乳腺癌和乳腺增生有什么区别?。What distinction do breast cancer and mammary gland hyperplasia have?

超声医师对于“乳腺增生症”的诊断应谨慎。Mammary gland hyperplasia should be diagnosed circumspectly by ultrasound.

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这提示乳腺上皮细胞通过直接或间接途径抑制PMN功能的发挥。This suggested that mammary epithelial cell inhibits PMN fuction by some way.

乳腺肿瘤手术后持续低烧会是什么原因?What reason can low fever lasting after operation of mammary gland tumour be?

左西孟旦对人内乳动脉的舒张作用。The Vasodilatory Effects of Levosimendan on the Human Internal Mammary Artery.

临床症状和体征除有乳腺肿块外.无其它特异性的阳性发现。The main presenting symptom was mammary mass, without other specific findings.

因此,经常食用海带有助于预防和治疗乳腺增生。Accordingly, often eat kelp may help prevent and treat mammary gland hyperplasia.

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哺乳动物的幼仔是吸乳的,其乳汁母乳腺分泌的。The young of mammals are suckled on milk secreted by the mother's mammary glands.

将其直接注射到小鼠乳腺,在泌乳期表达出人G-CSF。Human G-CSF was expressed in mammary gland of mice by injecting plasmid DNA method.

犬乳腺肿瘤疾病是兽医临床常见的一种母犬肿瘤疾病。In veterinary clinic, canine mammary tumor is the most frequent tumors in female dogs.