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她穿着那件经常穿的毛衣,戴着那串惯常戴的珍珠项链。She was wearing the obligatory sweater and pearl necklace.

在这里,漂流是必需参与的活动。The obligatory activity here is inner-tubing down the river.

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老师要求学生在必修课上多下工夫。The teacher asked his students to labour at obligatory courses.

居住地证明是摩托车登记所必须的,但只要一张公用事业的账单就足够了。Proof of residence was obligatory. A utilities bill was sufficient.

全都是些部长们常说的骗人鬼话和少不了的奉承恭维。There was all the usual humbug and obligatory compliments from ministers.

除了地面训练,还有必有的从大型舰船的登陆训练。Besides trainings on the land, there is an obligatory landing from a big ship.

Sasaki应对具体项目时,是否有必须遵守的设计原则?Does SASAKI Associates have any design concepts obligatory for similar projects?

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申请表要求提供的个人资料均须填报。Your provision of all the personal data requested in the applications is obligatory.

在国际马协的所有马场马术比赛的测验中都必须双手持缰。Riding with both hands is obligatory in the test at all International Dressage Events.

萨拉特是强制性的崇拜和必须履行的5倍,每天订明次。Salat is obligatory worship and must be performed five times a day at prescribed times.

每名蛙人每年有100小时要呆在水下,这是他们义不容辞的任务。Each driver has to stay under the water for 100 hours in a year. That is the obligatory norm.

如果开始的太快,你可能很快会被大量必须完成的任务压垮。If you start at a too fast rate, you may be soon overwhelmed by the amount of obligatory work.

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英语中WH移位对肯定句变疑问句是属于强制性的。WH-movement is obligatory in English. It changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative.

然而,如果他在成年后完成了朝觐,他就已经完成了主命朝觐。However, if Hajj was performed when he was an adult, then he has fulfilled the obligatory Hajj.

而根据交际目的的不同,语步下的各个步骤则具有可选择性。In the constitution of this generic structure, the moves are obligatory while the steps optional.

首先,英语将成为全世界所有学校总课程当中的必修课。First of all English will be an obligatory subject on every school curriculum throughout the world.

第一部分为机动车交通事故强制保险制度概说。First part is the generalization of the motor vehicle traffic accident obligatory insurance system.

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对于每一个去伦敦的游客来说白金汉宫皇家卫队的换岗仪式绝对值得一看。Seeing the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is an obligatory stop for tourists in London.

所有其它属性都是调用过程必须的,但您如何知道黑盒中的这些详细信息呢?All others are obligatory in the invocation process. How can you know such details in the black box?

本想让我们的想象力纵横驰骋一番,到头来却是又一场强塞给我们的自动武器交火所涂抹的高潮。We want a leap of the imagination, not one of those obligatory climaxes with automatic weapons fire.