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因此这是可行的。So that’s feasible.

那是一个可行的方案。That is a feasible scheme.

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这是完全可行的。This is entirely feasible.

他想出一个可行的计划。He thought out a feasible plan.

这计划似属可行。It seems this plan is feasible.

那既不可行,也不合法。That's neither feasible nor legal.

但我怎么知道这样可行呢?But how do I know this is feasible?

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我不知道他的建议是否可行。I don’t know if his proposal feasible.

而使用插片对它进行暗配也是可行的。Decoding by shimming also appears feasible.

实践证明,该公式是行之有效的。Experiment proves this formular is feasible.

尝试一些易操作的可行的项目。Work on easy-to-handle or feasible projects.

许多事情可遇而不可求。Many things that are desirable are not feasible.

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分析表明,支管缩径是可行的。It is proved that reducing of branch is feasible.

早期乳腺癌的保乳综合治疗是可行的。So early breast-conserving treatment is feasible.

你的提议在一定程度上是可行的。To some extent, what you came up with is feasible.

不消信用卡的想法几乎是行不通的。The notion of having no plastic is barely feasible.

在那个地点造桥是不可行的。It was not feasible to build a bridge at that point.

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因此采用感应方式来预热加热板是一种可行的方法。So It induction heating is a feasible method to use.

CCA方法用于月雷暴日资料的延长是可行的。The datum extension method based on PC-CCA is feasible.

怎样带领一个灵活多变、言出必行、各尽其能的会议?How to lead a flexible, actionable and feasible meeting?