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这方面的理论不胜枚举。Theories abound.

海中有丰富的渔产。Fish abound in the sea.

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海中有丰富的渔产。Streams abound with fish.

这条河多鱼。Fish abound in this river.

缩写与略语在政治中屡见不鲜。Initials abound in politics.

此外还有其它各式各样的水禽。All kinds of waterfowl abound.

世界上有很多迷信。Superstitions abound the world over.

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山溪里有许多鱼。The mountain streams abound with fish.

物阜民康。Products abound and the people are happy.

在图尔斯和布瓦卢之间皇家酒庄比比皆是。Royal chateaus abound between Tours and Blois.

这些街上乞丐和扒手触目皆是。The streets abound with beggars and pickpockets.

关于他的各种传闻和故事有很多。Various urban legends and myths about him abound.

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只是罪在那里显多,恩典就更显多了。But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound

大风灾害和火灾在内陆地区频繁发生。Inland, the risks from high winds and fires abound.

关于这个节日的起源有很多种说法。Legends about the origin of this festivity abound.

园里充满了死树的枯骸。The skeletons of dead trees abound in this orchard.

美国与欧盟之间存在着巨大的政策差异。Policy differences between the US and the EU abound.

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别人感觉的出来的,所以很多人会和你调情。Flirtations will abound because others can sense this!

在经济景气年份,充斥着贪婪和欺骗的故事。Tales of greed and fraud during the boom years abound.

在偏远的山上常常长着很多野花。Wild flowers always abound in out-of-the-way mountains.