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Terracotta有着非常不同的哲学。Terracotta has a very different philosophy.

陶俑模型还是真正的航海船只?Terracotta models or real sea faring ones ?

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陶俑形象逼真,与原物一样大小。The terracotta figures are life-like and life-sized.

戎马俑1974年在西安相近被发现。The terracotta warriors were found in 1974 near Xi'an.

陕西临潼农民发现秦始皇兵马俑。Lintong farmers found the Terracotta Warriors in Shanxi.

陶瓦和砖块也是不错的选择。Terracotta and brick too are popular types of floorings.

在那个特殊的年代兵马俑无疑是体现秦帝国强胜的最佳凭证。In that special era of Qin Terracotta Army is the best win-proof.

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他的论点并没有被其他的秦俑专家普遍采纳。His argument is still not widely accepted by other terracotta experts.

兵马俑博物馆坐落于陕西省西安市。The museum of the Terracotta Army is located in Xi'An, Shanxi province.

Terracotta服务器集群可配置成主动—被动模型运行。Terracotta server cluster can be configured to run in ACTIVE-PASSIVE mode.

陶瓦地板使这个地方给人一种非常舒适温馨的感觉。The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character.

秦始皇陵中数千陶制士兵甬中的一个One of thousands of terracotta warriors in the tomb of Emperor Qin in Xi'an.

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竖直的墙面上安装了屏幕,看起来像赤褐色的网孔。The vertical faces are dressed with screens which look like a terracotta mesh.

元朝中叶,磁灶制陶技术达到鼎盛时期。In the middle of Yuan Dynasty, the terracotta technology in CiZao reached its peak.

一个栽种了凤仙花的大赤陶罐里开出了明艳如火的花朵。A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display.

这就是为什么他们看起来和秦王朝的兵马俑汉人截然不同的原因。That is why they look vastly different than the terracotta "han" of the 1st dynasty.

Terracotta的概念验证显示了很多希望,但它真的能交付吗?The proof-of-concept of Terracotta showed much promise, but did it actually deliver?

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这些兵马俑已经守卫秦始皇陵两千多年了。These terracotta warriors have guarded the Qin Shinghuang Tomb for over 2,000 years.

宋朝初期,磁灶制陶技术得以迅速发展。At the beginning of Song Dynasty, the terracotta technology in CiZao has been booming.

英国人最近不用去中国就能看到中国的兵马俑了。British people get the chance to view the Terracotta Army without travelling to China.