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它是一种挑衅。It was a provocation.

这至少来说是一种挑衅。It is at minimum a provocation.

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他受了点小刺激就发怒。He angers with little provocation.

他的挑衅是我不能忍受的。His provocation is beyond my endurance.

眼魔经常不宣而战。Beholders often attack without provocation.

但是托洛斯基的书是一个挑衅。Nevertheless, Trotsky's book is a provocation.

这些水底恶霸很容易被激怒。These benthic bullies need little provocation.

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美国人认定潘科夫斯基的事是一种圈套。The americans decided penkovsky was a provocation.

她有时无缘无故就生气。She sometimes angers with little or no provocation.

他动不动就打孩子。孩子们斜眼看他。He would whomp the kids at the slightest provocation.

对于这种水平的挑衅行为置之不理显然是很不正常的。Such docility is unusual given the level of provocation.

谁稍微惹恼了她,她就会把谁大骂一顿。She would light into anyone with the slightest provocation.

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因此我不认为遭受挑衅可以作为减轻惩罚的因素。I therefore do not regard provocation as a mitigating factor.

北掸邦军第一旅的单位遭缅军突然袭击。A unit of the SSA North's First Brigade attacked without provocation.

然而今年他那似乎并非故意的挑衅行为招致了同样的结果。This year his provocation was less intentional but had the same result.

在维族人的事情上,貌似中国有很多地方激怒了穆斯林世界。China seems tohave plenty of provocation available in the case of Ughars.

北韩说,任何类似这样的进一步挑衅行为都将遭到“无情的”打击。It says any further such provocation will be met with a "merciless" attack.

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陈水扁此举是明显的蓄意挑衅,也是一场豪赌。Chen's action was an obvious and wilful provocation and a high-stake gamble.

她生病时,只要稍遇激惹就会大发脾气。When she is ill she is easy to lose her temper on the slightest provocation.

印度人做过挑衅,占过不合法的土地吗?Indians arent doing any provocation nor occupying the land illegally do they ?