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他纯洁,没有罪的污垢。It is pure and unstained by sin.

而你的正是纯洁无瑕的初春。And thou present'st a pure unstained prime.

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虽然他是老烟枪,但他的手还没有被熏黑。Although he chain-smoked cigarettes, his hands were unstained.

所有当初那种纯洁的亲爱空气,现在都要没有了。All the atmosphere of unstained affection would be gone out of it now.

水洗的衣物一是未经染色的白色织物,另一种是可以进行水洗的有颜色织物。One of washing cloth is unstained white fibre, the other is color fiber.

红髓中的浆细胞和红细胞不染色。The plasma cells and erythrocyte were unstained in the splenic red pulp.

细胞核染色苍白呈空泡状,应为主要含有的是不著色的常染色质。Their nuclei are pale and vesicular containing mainly unstained euchromatin.

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细胞核染色苍白呈空泡状,应为主要含有的是不着色的常染色质。Their nuclei are pale and vesicular, containing mainly unstained euchromatin.

凡是知理明义的人再不会怀疑你那站在被告栏里的亲戚的清白无辜了。No reasonable man ought to doubt the unstained innocence of your relation at the bar.

他是师父理想生活在这个世界的表现,并没有受到俗气的污染。He was the embodiment of the Master's ideal of life in the world, unstained by worldliness.

使得意识保持纯净和完全,免于受到生活的波动的影响。The result is a mind which remains unstained and invulnerable, completely unaffected by the ups and downs of life.

我通常不担心长外套,只要它是免费的,保持原样前纠缠的开端。I generally do not worry about length of coat, as long as it is tangle free and unstained prior to beginning the trim.

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脸上看起来年轻有活力的b-boy,他身上干净整齐的裤口翻边牛仔裤以及毫无污点的T恤并没有透露出事实,事实上就是他正刚刚教完了整整一个小时的课。The fresh-faced b-boy's neatly cuffed jeans and unstained t-shirt don't betray the fact that he's just finished teaching an hour-long workshop.

在年轻奉献者的陪同下,纯洁的灵魂仍然没有被俗气所污染,室利罗摩克里希纳也感到十分高兴。But it was in the company of his younger devotees, pure souls yet unstained by the touch of worldliness , that Sri Ramakrishna took greatest joy.

脊髓液与一滴印度墨汁混和后在显微镜下可见厚的、不着色的荚膜。In the preparations of cerebrospinal fluid mixed with a drop of India ink, the yeast cell can be seen microscopically to be surrounded by a wide, unstained capsule.

他曾经说,做女儿的要是不能够保持她的贞操,做父母的要是疏忽大意,纵容女儿去堕落,那就都谈不到得救了。Let no one talk of salvation, he had said, for a daughter who had failed to keep her chastity unstained , or for the parents who, by negligence, had permitted her to fall.

此外,当商业世界将要丑恶而肮脏地去染指生活时,却有这么一篇诗平安地护持着一个不为任何商业价值所玷污的世界。Further, when the world of commerce was about to lay its ugly and contaminating fingers on life, here was a poem enshrining with security a world unstained by any commercial value.

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他儿时曾听过一些神话传说,月亮被称做广寒宫,是个庐云巢霞的仙阙,高挂天上,不染人间烟尘。In the myths and legends of his childhood, the Moon was known as Guang Han Palace, a god's palace where white and rosy clouds hung high in the sky, unstained by smoke and dust from the world of man.