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Careny问到,”这仅仅是华尔街的一面之词?So is this just a Wall Street trope?

我们已经看过关于房子的比喻。So we've already seen the trope of the house.

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这种修辞给了中国一股不可逆转命运的气息。This trope gives China a certain air of inevitability.

对视力的比喻在这里非常的重要。The trope of sight is obviously extremely important here.

本文拟从历时与共时二时间轴,检视十八世纪早期英国文学作品中的亚马逊女战士。This paper examines the Amazon trope in the narratives of the early eighteenth century.

第二章主要分析杜诗喻象中的情感内容。Secondly chapter mostly discuss dufu 's sensibility change and trope imago relation osculation.

这不过是一个形象的比喻,如果全部时间都是自己的,那就根本不存在“边角废料”问题。This is only a visualized trope. If all time is at your disposal, no 'time scraps' will come up.

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本文认为,其审美特征主要表现在鲜明生动,新颖传神,苍老雄浑三个方面。Third chapter mostly discuss dufu 's trope imago single and brilliance Character from taste angle.

它们就是一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出的缩影,我妈妈总是用这句比喻来形容连接失败。They are the epitome of in-one-ear-and-out-the-other, which was my mother's trope for a failure to connect.

但是对于她遴选情人短暂的化身方面,她本人也存在着滑稽的成分——采用注定短命的浮游做比喻。But there was also something comic in her chosen image for man’s transience—the indestructible trope of the doomed mayfly.

特罗普认为,当价格骤降让拥有一台大屏幕电视突然成为切实的可能时,我的反应发生了变化。Trope believes the shift in my mind occurred when dropping prices suddenly made a big-screen TV a real possibility for me.

特罗普认为,当价格骤降让拥有一台大屏幕电视突然成为切实的可能时,我的反应发生了变化。Dr. Trope believes the shift in my mind occurred when dropping prices suddenly made a big-screen TV a real possibility for me.

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香水广告一个经久不衰的诉求点就是香水能说话,能传递有关香水使用者的信息。There's a long-running trope in perfume advertising that perfume speaks, and what it broadcasts is a message about its wearer.

符号和关涉的超常联系有积极的和消极的区别,修辞用法就是积极的。Also, there is the active and passive difference of the super-general relation of signal and pun, for example, trope is active.

她不慌不忙坐在自家郊区美宅的楼梯上,掀开自己的裙子,把双腿分开,看起来是要俯首称臣。She sits on the stairs of her lovely suburban home and raises her skirts, parting her legs—the standard trope of female submission.

喻证法是新闻评论运用比喻的一种特殊形式,是新闻评论的一种很好的辅助说理手段。Speaking in simile is a special way of the application of trope in news comments, being a excellent way of reasoning in news comments.

而通常的殊相个体都是性质上复合的,但一个殊质在性质上是简单的,事实上就是一个具体属性的实例。While ordinary individuals are qualitatively complex, a trope is qualitatively simple, and is, in fact, a particular property instance.

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暗喻是将两种有共同点的不同事物进行隐晦比较的修辞手法。A metaphor is a trope or figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.

这种作案手法成了侦探小说中的常见套路,但几乎没有文档记载现实生活有有人伪造他人指纹的案件。The scheme became a common trope in detective fiction, but there are almost no documented cases of a criminal forging another person’s fingerprint.

倒影是这幅画主要的隐喻,而对残疾的表达保证了这一隐喻的实现,无论这幅画描绘的是一个还是两个女人。Reflection is the master trope of the painting, but this trope is anchored by the representation of disability, whether the work portrays one or two women.