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我忘了我将皮包放在什么地方。I do not remember where I put my billfold.

皮夹子有什么特征?。Any distinguishing feature about the billfold?

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可用于皮夹,布料,厚纸,书类。Can use in the billfold , woof, paperboard & book.

真的?我已打开了。呀!好漂亮!看,妈妈,多漂亮的皮夹子!Really? I've already opened this one. Say! This is swell! look, Mom, a billfold.

亚当斯先生发现他十三岁的儿子正从他的皮夹子里偷钱大为震惊。Mr. Adams was greatly shocked to find his 13-year-old son stealing money from his billfold.

所有您需要做的是等待时机您的时间,直到找到一个适合你和你的皮夹。All you need to do is bide your time until you find one that will work for you and your billfold.

所以就算一般的交易,商务人士也需要带厚厚的一打现金,所以钱包总是被塞得鼓鼓的。So even modest debts can require businesspeople to carry thick wads of cash that could choke a traditional billfold.

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外面的荷包也是奴婢亲手绣的,不知道能不能入八爷的眼。The billfold of outdoor is personally also what maidservant embroiders, don't understand the eye that can go into eight Yes.

他从裤子后袋里掏出钱包,在这个皮夹子里摸索着,然后拿出一片二角五分硬币大小的小圆镜。Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket, he fished into a leather billfold and brought out a very small round mirror, about the size of a quarter.

加州一名男子皮夹弄丢四十多年后竟失而复得。几名整修戏院的工人发现了这个卡在电热器中的皮夹。California man who lost his wallet more than 40 years ago finally got it back when workers fixing a movie theater discovered the billfold stuck in a radiator.