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停用事件监视器。Deactivate the event monitor.

关闭日志功能最好的方法是什么?What is the best way to deactivate logging?

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有关部门请来爆破小组拆除这枚汽车炸弹。The bomb squad was called in to deactivate the car bomb.

有关部门请来爆破小组拆除这枚汽车炸弹。Thee bomb squad was called in to deactivate the car bomb.

同样也可以根据你的需要轻松的删除或停用它。It is equally easy to remove or deactivate it if required.

要停用粘滞键组合,请单击“设置”。To deactivate the key combination for StickyKeys, click Settings.

你必须回答多项选择题才能关停闹铃。You must answer multiple choice questions to deactivate the alarm.

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使插件处于待发状态再重新地激活插件,看看这样能否使插件运行。Deactivate and re-activate the plugin to see if this makes it work.

如果禁用该插件,那么它将还原回普通的大小写的情况。If you deactivate your plug-in, it will revert to normal capitalization.

要想解除警报,你就必须将你的手按照规定的方向放好。To deactivate alarm you must put your phone in defined positions sequences.

再按下并按住扫描按钮一秒关闭通道扫描模式。Press and hold SCAN S button again for 1 second to deactivate CHANNEL SCAN mode.

他们还用一种干扰设备使我们的岗哨炮台失去了作用。They are using some sort of scrambling device to deactivate our sentry guns as well.

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结果表明,在脲酶完全失活条件下,胰蛋白酶抑制素仍。The results indicates that the TI still remains activity when urease full deactivate.

NDM-1实际上只是一种基因片段,他可以产生一种酶,分解掉几乎所有的抗生素。The NDM-1 is a gene that produces an enzyme that deactivate basically all antibiotics.

被冰冻的黑暗绝地引诱她进入坟墓,打开了封印罩。The frozen Dark Jedi lured Aayla to his tomb, and had her deactivate the stasis shield.

用来激活和关闭时的代理家长激活和停用。To be used to activate and deactivate the Agent when the parent activates and deactivates.

当停用一个任务时,它所有的编辑器都会关闭,任务激活时重新打开。When you deactivate a task, all of its editors close and then reopen upon task activation.

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突击队的目标是摧毁保护新死星的防护盾,为起义军的总攻作准备。This team was to deactivate the deflector shield protecting the new Death Star from Rebel attack.

这台被称为“龙行者”的设备可以帮助身处前线的士兵发现并拆除危险的炸弹装置。The Dragon Runner device will help soldiers to find and deactivate dangerous explosives on the front line.

使用退出功能能够获得灵活性,可在消息处理期间动态地激活和取消激活。User exit feature gives the flexibility to activate & deactivate them dynamically during message processing.