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或者说3.14。Or 3.14. Obviously.

这显然是错误的。This is obviously wrong.

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这是真有其事。This obviously happened.

热的东西显然会变凉。Hot things cool, obviously.

那些作为明显很过分。It was obviously excessive.

因而能够上浮。So, it's obviously buoyant.

这显然是一个图像。This is obviously an image.

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你完全有资格一试。You’re obviously qualified.

从某种意义来说,显然是的。In one sense, obviously yes.

很明显我们还没聊太多。Obviously not talk too much.

这事明明是她干的嘛!This is obviously her doing.

然而这显然不符合事实。But this is obviously not so.

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这显然是不够的。This is obviously inadequate.

他显然是个不安份的人。He is obviously a troubled man.

很显然,这些是风车These are windmills, obviously.

但是,显然这个世界上并不存在完美的事。But it's not perfect, obviously.

她显然是在挖苦他。She was obviously digging at him.

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显然地,这已经相当贵了。but obviously that's quite a lot.

显然地费用因素嬴得出。Obviously the cost factor won out.

她显然见过不少世面。She's obviously been around a lot.