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油轮在巴林加过油。The tanker fueled in Bahrain.

这艘油轮在一个沙洲上搁浅了。The oil tanker ran aground on a sandbank.

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这艘油船开始向北岸驶去。The tanker sailed off for the north coast.

本船是单螺旋桨成品油轮。This ship is oil tanker owning single screw.

刚果民主共和国的油轮事故死亡人数上升到269。DR Congo's tanker accident toll rises to 269.

油轮在下午三时靠港。The oil tanker landed at the harbour at 3 p.m.

但是这份加油机租赁合同一直未被通过。But the tanker lease contract never went through.

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有运油车、加油车等车型。Have fuelling vehicle model and fuel tanker model.

五天后,一条过路的油轮搭救了他们When a passing tanker rescued them five days later

一天,路接到任务去炮击一艘油船。One day, Lou received an order to bombard a tanker.

火车运送到油车,油车运送到油站。Trains transport to tankers, tanker to gas stations.

或每6架MH-60G配两架加油机,一架后备加油机。Two tanker aircraft, plus one spare, per six MH-60Gs.

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铁路槽车在装产品之前,必须进行清洗。The rail tanker has to be washed, before it is loaded.

眼下我们没有油轮可租。At present we have on oil tanker for chartering service.

但木材之争刚刚平息下来,油轮对抗又冒出了苗头。Just as the timber war wound down, the tanker war began.

负责配送槽车的维修。Be responsible for the maintenance of Distribution Tanker.

新华社没有报导罐车上运载的是何种物质。Xinhua did not say what substance the tanker was carrying.

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在北海的一艘油轮的甲板上发生了大火。Fire has broken out on board an oil tanker in the NorthSea.

有运油车、加油车等车型。Haudio-videoe fuelling vehicle model and fuel tanker model.

葡萄牙战舰成功挫败索马里海盗劫持油轮。Portuguese warship thwarts hijack off Somalia on an oil tanker.