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这样的来访者就不会无人陪同而被允许进入厂内。Such a visitor wouldn't have been allowed into the plant unescorted.

他的工作是在曼哈顿的夜总会陪没有舞伴的女士跳舞。He worked as a dancing partner for unescorted ladies at Manhattan cabarets.

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大西洋鱼鹰号只有单一船体以及单一引擎,在整个航程中也没有任何保护。The Atlantic Osprey has a single hull, just a single engine and will travel unescorted throughout its journey.

如果团员们在地主地区在无人护送之下自己开车,将使GSE团、扶轮基金会、及其他方面负担某种程度之风险。GSE teams, TRF, and others assume a degree of risk if team members drive unescorted while in the host district.

伤员在没有人护送的情况下自行前往一个位置不明确的地点,并且全程没有任何医护人员的监督。These patients were to walk unescorted to an obscure destination and were not monitored by medical personnel at any time.

大量没有护航保护的船只,他们灯火通明,船员们利用无线电自由地聊天,离开他们的岗位。Large numbers of unescorted ships, their lights on and their crews freely chatting over the radio, gave away their positions.

增加了新的和更理想的商队交易系统,现在商队可以没有护卫,当商队运输完成之后货物会被移除。New and more realistic Caravan Trading System. Caravans can now move unescorted. Goods are now removed when transported by a caravan.

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不过由于苏联人使用的是老式低速而无战斗机护航的DB-3式和SB式轰炸机执行轰炸任务,因此,这些轰炸机对于罗马尼亚防空炮兵和战斗机部队来说简直是小菜一碟。They were often carried out by slow and unescorted DB-3 and SB bombers, which were easy targets for the Romanian AA artillery and fighters.

中午,我在没有导游陪伴的时候独自漫步街头,发现了一个很大的棚户区,很多茅棚里还住了人,这个棚户区离中央大道很近。Strolling unescorted at midday past a major concentration of the huts just a block from the city's Central Avenue, I nonetheless saw many signs of occupation.

外国访问者常常会惊奇地发现,在五角大楼走廊里有上百名持证记者没有人陪同地自由来往,搜寻新闻,即便在战时也是如此。Foreign visitors often are surprised to discover that more than 100 accredited journalists freely roam the corridors of the Pentagon in search of news, unescorted even in time of war.

在这年剩下的时间内,美军轰炸机只到护航战斗机可以到达的地方执行任务,不再执行进一步深入的无护航轰炸任务。For the remainder of the year, American bombers flew only as deep into Germany as their escort fighters could lend support. There were no longer any deep-penetration, unescorted raids.