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之后,赶,还要充分休息。Plod onward, and get plenty of rest.

你是否在办公室里埋头苦干了一整天呢?Do you plod through the day at the office?

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我会再干一个小时,然后休息一下。I will plod on for another hour and then take a break.

路边这时传来了车轮的吱嘎声和马蹄的声响。A squeak of wheels and plod of hoofs came from the road.

你将要面对很多工作——你也会付出很多的艰辛而通过。Lots of work faces you – you might as well plod through.

飞机制造业仍旧举步维艰,发展速度之缓很让人头疼。Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace.

因此,许多人因为不满足于平庸的存在而在生活中行迈靡靡。So, many people plod along through life semi-satisfied with a mediocre existence.

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每天早晨,你都目光低垂,塌着肩膀,一脸沉重的踱进办公室,然后立刻开始工作?Do you plod into the office, eyes down, shoulders slumped, and immediately start work?

那时它们的阵线拉得很长,沉重的脚步在尘土里踏出深深的印迹。At other times they plod along in drawn-out lines, creating deep ruts in the dusty soil.

给我一份蓝图,我就会出发,一步一个脚印,直到抵达目的地。Give me a map and I’ll plod along, one foot in front of the other, until we reach our destination.

你还需要有足够的耐心去一点一点办理各种许可手续,直到最终看到有利的结果。You'll need patience to plod through the process of approvals and, ultimately, to see profitable results.

旨在建立三个地下室,整个军队被分成两部分来通过草原。Aiming at setting up three more basements, the whole mixed army was divided into two parts to plod through grasslands.

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关于联合国通过厚厚的积雪巡逻苦战了一个在韩国对1951年2月3日中央前山使命的士兵。A line of soldiers on a United Nations patrol mission plod through deep snow up a hill in the central front of Korea on Feb. 3, 1951.

他转身看到一对猎人迈着沉重的步子走上了四点钟位置的顶部,侧翼是三个拿着能量剑的精英先锋。He turned and saw a Hunter pair plod onto the top at the four o'clock position, flanked by a vanguard of three Elites with energy swords.

他们默默无语地走着,耳边只有自己轻轻的脚步声,柳枝摇曳的沙沙声以及栖息在河湾里的鸟儿欢乐的歌唱声。They walked in silence, surrounded by the soft plod of their footsteps, the rustling of willows, and the singing of birds who infested the breaks.

而那些坚决持否定态度之人将会继续努力过自己的生活,仿佛什么都没有发生过,像机器人似的走在嘈杂和混乱之中。Those in hard denial will continue to plod through their life as though nothing were happening, walking like automatons amid the din and the melee.

但是,如果投资者选择逃避风险并低估印度经济熬过衰退的能力,从而导致恐慌式抛售的发生,那将会提供一个极佳的切入点。Still, a panicked sell-off could provide an attractive entry point if investors flee risk and ignore the underlying economy's ability to plod through a downturn.

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因此,她又开始沿着来路往回跋涉,她来的时候本来就没有抱太大的希望,而只是深信在她的人生中又出现了一次危机。Thereupon she began to plod back along the road by which she had come not altogether full of hope, but full of a conviction that a crisis in her life was approaching.

不,没有这种人,因此我十之八九会和这群美国游客沉重而缓慢地走过那片绿色的草地,对一切都这么古老和渺小而感到不悦。No, there aren’t, so in all likelihood I will have to plod across those green meadows with a herd of American tourists, disgruntled that everything is so ancient and small.

这些老同志在各自的岗位上辛勤工作了多年,绝大部分都能够做到廉洁奉公,为国家、为人民做出了不可磨灭的贡献。These old pals go up in respective post plod old, the majority can be accomplished clean-fingered act according to fair, made graven contribution for country, humanness civilian.