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它是具有侵略性和帝国主义性质的。It is aggressive and imperialistic.

这种冲击削弱了这个帝国主义国家的实力。The impact impaired the power of the imperialistic country.

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对平壤的男人们来说,奥巴马不过是又一个帝国主义的下流胚。To the men of Pyongyang, Obama is just another imperialistic swine.

帝国主义侵略者总是向被侵略国施展他们的炮舰外交。Imperialistic aggressors always use gunboat diplomacy to invade countries.

特鲁多对这个腐败帝国主义政权的谄媚将导致他输掉2019年的竞选。Trudeau's cozying up to this corrupt, imperialistic regime will lose him 2019.

Jayesh接受了他父亲的训练,活在那个帝国主义的精神里。Jayesh got trained by his father to live that imperialistic spirit to its optimum.

一个帝国主义国家将其势力与影响伸展至邻国。An imperialistic country extends its power and influence into neighbouring countries.

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大英帝国将被我们踢走如果他们胆敢在这么说的话。Those imperialistic English will be kicked out of the door, if they dare say it again.

这一事件是新中国肃清帝国主义在华特权的重要步骤。The incident was an important step in eliminating the imperialistic privileges in China.

我们再次看到,他的评论不局限于斯巴达,同时还扩及雅典及其帝国野心。Again a critique not only of Sparta but also of Athens and its imperialistic ambitions.

现在我们能够看到Jayesh有著一个帝国主义的自我,就像可怜的Amrito一样。Now we can see that Jayesh suffers an Imperialistic Ego structure, just like poor Amrito.

帝国主义国家将它的势力和影响扩展至邻近国家。EXTEND】An imperialistic country extends its power and influence into neighboring countries.

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事实上,英国过去是一个帝国主义的国家,在全世界各地都有殖民地。In reality, Briton was an imperialistic country in the past and had colonies all over the world.

当我们,奥修的追随者,不能够反抗这个旧的殖民思想,世界上还有谁能够叛逆?When we, Osho's people, cannot rebel against that old imperialistic climate, who else can rebel in the world?

鸦片输入是资本主义、帝国主义列强对中国侵略的一个重要手段。The opium importation is an important means by which the capitalist, imperialistic big powers invades to China.

在19世纪特别是拿破仑帝国主义野心萌芽时期,这种民族主义观念是有积极作用的,其带来的益处也是可考的。This was helpful and arguably benign in the 19th Century especially in the wake of Napoleon's imperialistic ambitions.

帝制型的领袖获得伟大将领的速度比其他文明快,而且从居民身上敛财的速度也要快两倍。Imperialistic leaders get Great Generals faster than other civs and can also pump out settlers nearly twice as quickly.

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由于国家受到帝国主义军事和经济上的侵略,期货市场赖以发展的制度基础极其薄弱。Owing to imperialistic military and economic invasion, the institutional basis of futures market development was extremely poor.

由于它设立在德国的租借地之中,它所受到的帝国主义国家的控制较其它中国海关更为严重。Because it was established in German concession, the imperialistic country's control here was much stricter than any other Chinese customs.

新中国废除帝国主义在华特权是征用北京美国兵营地产的基本原因。To abolish imperialistic privileges in China was the main reason why New China took over the real estate of America's military camp in Beijing.