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我没把你弄得惨兮兮的。I did not make you miserable.

你是一个可怜的弱者。You are a miserable weakling.

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我今天很不愉快。NO01,2. I feel miserable today.

下雨无邪是糟透了。This rain is miserable weather.

他是一个哀怜的身段矮小的人。He is a miserable little person.

婢女过着悲惨的生活。The handmaid led a miserable life.

我的二十岁是繁忙并且痛苦的。I was busy but miserable at twenty.

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在这六周内我就是个杯具。For those six weeks? I was miserable.

这恼人的天气使我感到不称意。This miserable weather chesses me off.

我们希望他们和我们一样悲惨。We want them to be as miserable as us.

我这种天气阴沉沉的。我讨厌下雨。This weather is miserable. I hate rain.

斯克鲁奇是多么可恶的吝啬鬼呀!What a miserable old devil Scrooge was!

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你不会永远都是那样悲惨。You don’t have to be miserable forever.

他们诉说他们的生活是多麽悲惨。They bleat about how miserable they are.

你使格雷斯·豪兰的生活痛苦不堪。You made Grace Howland's life miserable.

每次我看见他,他都是一副愁眉苦脸的样子。Every time I see him, he looks miserable.

他看起来紧张不安,时常流露出痛苦神情。He looked taut, nervous, often miserable.

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她的不幸让他感到十分难受。Her wretchedness made him feel miserable.

只是孤单它太惨忍。It is just too lonely miserable tolerance.

“真是一个令人悲哀的计划。”拉梅奇说。"It's a miserable proposal, " says Ramage.