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普特洛克勒斯身受重伤倒下,不久后便死去了。Patroclus fell mortally wounded and died soon.

你的朋友死了,而你又身受重伤。Your friend is dead, and you are mortally wounded.

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非常抱歉,但你不值得让我打倒。I am mortally sorry you are not worth knocking down.

莱尔提斯虽然受到了致命剑伤,但他仍然活着。Laertes was still alive, though he was mortally wounded.

女巫大怒,诅咒了年轻人。The witch was mortally offended and cursed the young man.

然而,在最终决战里,佛地魔将会给邓不利多致命的伤害。However, in that final battle, Vol will mortally wound Dumbledore.

然而,维德受到皇帝原力闪电的轰击,伤已致命。Vader was bombarded by the Emperor's Force lightning, mortally wounding him.

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受了致命的伤的士兵又活了几天后才死去。The mortally wounded soldier lingered on for a few days until at last he died.

一天,我看见草场上躺着一只重伤的老鹰。On a day in the autumn, I saw a prairie eagle mortally wounded by a rifle shot.

一名男子身受重伤,生命垂危地躺在地上,头部和上身浸泡在血泊中。A young man lies mortally wounded on the ground, his head and upper body soaked in blood.

一个受致命伤的人类实在不可能对奥格瑞玛之怒构成任何威胁。One mortally injured Human would not and could not pose a threat to the Fury of Orgrimmar.

保罗.帕里什也向我透露了他的性取向,他极其害怕会被视为社会渣滓。Paul Parish came out to me, too, and was mortally afraid of being branded a social pariah.

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他的雄辩通常十分有效,一些受良心谴责的乘客会在下一站下车。His eloquence is always effective, and some mortally ashamed passenger gets off at the next stop.

书中的主人公琼斯是一个十分有趣的小家伙,她非常害怕矮种马。Junie B. Jones, hilarious heroine of more than a dozen well-loved books, is mortally afraid of ponies.

1863年6月3日,保罗被一枚致命的弹片击穿肺部,于第二天去世。On July 3, 1863, he was mortally wounded by a shell fragment that pierced his lung, and he died the next day.

利比亚的临时政府说,他被俘获时并未受伤,是在随后的交叉火力中受到了致命一击。Libya's interim government said he was captured unharmed and later mortally wounded in crossfire from both sides.

不过有分析人士对兴业即将面临收购的说法持怀疑态度,因为该行并没有受到致命打击。Analysts, however, were skeptical that a bid for SocGen was imminent because the bank had not been mortally wounded.

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维瑟腹部受到致命的枪伤躺在浴室地上,却突然爆发出笑声。Visser, laying out on the bathroom floor mortally wounded by a gunshot to the stomach, suddenly bursts into laughter.

勇士一生只死一次,在一切怪事中,人们的贪生怕死就是一件最奇怪的事情。Warriors a dead life, in all strange things, the people were mortally afraid of death is one of the most strange things.

面对他们的攻击,邓女士说,她从手袋里掏出一把水果刀拼命挥刺,邓贵大重伤倒地。As they attacked, Ms. Deng said, she took a fruit knife from her purse and stabbed wildly. Mr. Deng fell, mortally wounded.