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牛津与波恩结成了友好城市。Oxford is twinned with bonn.

巴黎和北京结成姊妹城市。Paris is twinned with Beijing.

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本市与汉城结成姊妹市。Our city is twinned with Seoul.

这个城市与中国的上海结为姐妹城市。This city is twinned with Shanghai in China.

本市兴美国的西雅图是姊妹市。Our city is twinned with Seattle in the U. S.

该自治市与德国的卡瑟尔市结成了友好城市。The borough is twinned with Kasel in Germany.

他的名字将和我们学校的名字永远联系在一起。His name will always be twinned with that of our school.

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这座城市每年都吸引上百万的旅行者前往,同时它也是华沙、莫斯科、开罗和雷丁的姐妹城市。The city is twinned with Warsaw, Moscow, Cairo and Reading.

光亮的表面与他黝黑的脸庞和胸膛相映成趣。The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse.

这些微区分别为内孪晶马氏体区和位错板条马氏体区。They are dislocated lath martensite area and twinned martensite area respectively.

这两个字母是姚明和叶莉二人名字的开头字母,苗立杰在上海的一档直播电视节目中解释到。The letters are the twinned initials of Yao and Ye, explained Miao on a live TV show in Shanghai.

第四幅是一个无人物的纪实摄影。In this exhibition, Wall engages the twinned histories of documentary photography and neorealist film.

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地区议会的结对子委员会决定埃平城应与德国的埃平城结成对子。The district council's town- twin committee decided that Ep shall be twinned with Eppingen in Germany.

对于被贫穷和饥饿两座大山压得直不起腰来的贾布瓦农民来说,这样的辩论稍显抽象了点。These sorts of debates seem like abstractions in much of Jhabua, where poverty and hunger are twinned.

双生病毒是一类具有孪生颗粒的单链环状DNA病毒。Geminiviruses are a group of single-stranded circular DNA viruses with twinned particles occurring worldwide.

去年豪尔镇和台北县新店市缔结姊妹市,正是吉佳等人努力的结果。Last year Howell Town was twinned with Hsintien, Taipei county, thanks to the efforts of people like Giga Andreyev.

透辉石有两个方向的完全解理,通常为孪晶生成,短且成圆柱形,断口参差不平。Diopside crystals have a perfect cleavage in two directions, are often twinned and are short and columnar, but with an uneven fracture.

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双元制“的两个”元是不可分割地存在于教育的各个层面、各个环节的基本元素,是成对出现的。The two dollars of dual system is inextricably and twinned each other in all levels of education and the segments of the basic elements.

晶粒尺寸,名词-晶粒尺寸或多结晶金属结晶体,配对部位有例外和次晶粒亦是。Grain size, n—the dimensions of the grains or crystals in a polycrystalline metal, exclusive of twinned regions and subgrains when present.

下图是波音的概念图,它也使用了V形的双尾部,与洛克西德的飞机一样,它也把引擎安置在机翼上部。The Boeing concept, below, also uses a V-shaped twinned tail section, and like the Lockheed jet, it also places the engines on top of the wings.