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他们为什么都歪歪的站着?Why do all of them stand awry?

有时这些工作也会走叉了。Occasionally, these jobs can go awry.

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我的聚会计划全乱了套。All my plans for the party had gone awry.

群体的洞察因此走偏了。As a result, their group insight went awry.

生活确实往往会变得糟糕,所以要有准备。Life does go awry every so often, so be prepared.

想一想,有什么在这个比喻里缺失了。Think about it. Something's gone awry in this simile.

孩子没有父母的照管容易走上邪路。Children are easy to go awry without parental control.

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人类喂养母乳的天性为何会偏离正道,这点并不清楚。It’s not clear why a human instinct to nurse went awry.

很自然使用社会媒体有时候会出差错。Sometimes, naturally, the use of social media goes awry.

鞋子也有把整台秀搞砸的能力。Shoes also have the power to make an entire show go awry.

即使是气候适宜,制作上的小失误也会失之毫厘谬以千里。Even if the weather is perfect, things can easily go awry.

假如你的脸是长歪的,责怪镜子是没有用的。It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry.

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投资不能以一次交易论成败。The definition of an investment should never be a trade gone awry.

药房交易看上去非常简单明了。它们的出错率有多高呢?Pharmacy transactions seem so straightforward. How often could they go awry?

如果伤病改变了组织的硬度,情况就可能出现偏差。When disease or injury changes the stiffness of a tissue, things can go awry.

我们赖以为生的科技正走向歧途,我们的文明正面临着威胁。The technology we depend on is going awry. Our civilization is going up in flames.

当他本人与英国民众之间的关系开始出现罅隙时,问题就出现了。Things went awry when the personal bond between Blair and the British public began to fray.

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家庭干预是可怕的错误在一个孤立的湖边的房子,雪白的限制。A family intervention goes horrifically awry in the snowy confines of an isolated lake house.

沟通是一个重要的部分,网页设计,并经常项目可出差错,没有它。Communication is an imperative part of web design, and often projects can go awry without it.

收获项目可能会出现偏差——如果他们过分专注于收集到食物的数量的话。The harvesting projects can go awry if they focus too heavily on the quantity of food gathered.