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猎狼和孩子相处会怎样?Borzoi good with children?

猎狼需要运动吗?Do Borzoi require exercise?

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猎狼和孩子相处会怎样?Are Borzoi good with children?

猎狼是“室外”型的狗吗?Is the Borzoi an "outdoors" dog?

猎狼会和别的动物友好相处吗?Are Borzoi good around other animals?

猎狼会成为很好的家庭宠物吗?。Does the Borzoi make a good house pet?

猎狼需要大量的或者是经常的梳理毛发吗?Do Borzoi require a lot or regular grooming?

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猎狼需要特殊的健康护理吗?Do the Borzoi have specific health concerns?

公猎狼和母猎狼会有很明显的差别吗?Is there a marked difference between a male and a female Borzoi?

除了在安全的有栅栏的地方要时刻保持你的猎狼有缰绳的牵引。Always keep your Borzoi on lead except in secured or fenced areas.

坦白的讲,猎狼对于中等家庭来讲是“要求太多的犬”。Frankly, most Borzoi are "too much dog" for the average household.

最好的运动是在安全区域内自由的奔跑。The best exercise for the Borzoi is free running in a secure area.

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如果猎狼的年纪还小,记住小猎狼是好动,精力充沛和成长迅速的。If the Borzoi is a puppy, remember that puppies are active, energetic and fast-growing.

孩子和猎狼都要被告知如何在一切安全的玩耍。Children as well as Borzoi puppies need to be taught how to play safely with one another.

一个小水池会使你的猎狼在炎热的天气里得到冷的满足。A kiddy pool is one great way to provide your Borzoi with a cool relief in the hot weather.

请牢记,猎狼是视觉猎犬,他会追寻他的本能去猎捕。Always remember that the Borzoi is a coursing Sighthound and follows its instinct to chase.

为了使猎狼状态保持良好而且骨骼肌肉强健有力,经常的运动是必须的。In order to keep a Borzoi in condition and good muscle tone, regular exercise is necessary.

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猎狼有两个明显的影响健康的问题需要一提,。There are definitely two health issues to become informed about where Borzoi are concerned.

除了不太喜欢被摆弄尾巴以外,猎狼非常喜欢被梳理毛发。Aside from not particularly enjoying having their tails brushed, Borzoi do love being groomed.

如果你得到了一只小猎狼,你没办法确定他或者她长大后会变成什么样子。If you acquire a Borzoi puppy, you can't know for sure what he or she will grow up to be like.